Let me be clear:

  • I am not applying for this job.
  • I know many who want the job, reached out to me if I could get them connected to those in charge of choosing the candidate.
  • Anyone not MAGA or a proven RED DOWN BALLOT should not be considered.

Here is my previous article, published by Newsmax a couple of weeks ago, which makes the issue clear:


It received a lot of attention from many people, including strangers, who reached out to me.

The reactions were overly positive. After attending the inauguration and working as a ZOA Coalition Election Coordinator for the upcoming World Zionist Congress Elections, I witnessed and was engaged in many meetings and events and was witness to insight of how and if the Jewish community is working together effectively.

As a pro-Trump Jewish activist since 2015, including a primary run as a pro-Trump congressional candidate against an establishment RINO (Republican In Name Only), I am constantly asked about the Jewish vote and Trump.

I could easily be a millionaire, if not billionaire, if I had a penny for every question asked about who should be the next envoy.

So - Why am I coming out to recommend Sid Rosenberg?

First of all, Sid probably can’t take the job, because he is America's number ONE radio AM/FM personality, but that is why he should be offered it. I know his wonderful boss and I am guessing that he would make excellent contractual arrangements if Sid were chosen because he supports Israel, understands politics, and is outspoken against antisemitism. (AM/FM radio still has the most educated/loyal audiences according to Nielson and advertising strategy agencies)

But, if Sid were asked and if he could:

  • Sid is a proud Jew.
  • Sid is an outspoken Jew.
  • Sid isn’t afraid to get attacked for his thoughts about being a Jew.

For years now, I have expressed publicly, especially as the Jewish advisor with many projects and committees, the need for the Republican National Committee and the Trump teams to stop courting only Orthodox Jews.

Sid Rosenberg openly admits he loves the Jewish religion and his work with religious groups, but he doesn’t practice everything as a religious Jew.

Most Jews are not religious, and many of those who lean right are followers of Sid. They are often overlooked in the inner circles. We need them on our side. Many are grassroots volunteers, many are donors, and potential bigger donors if recognized for their dedication.

An envoy needs to recognize them.

Sid loves social media. However, he understands its limits. Too many among the Jewish organization leaders and many in the Trump world think Instagram stars are the leaders of results and are concerned about selling Jewish causes online. Here is the truth, and you can ask those in the fashion business if I’m wrong. Instagram influencers haven’t been able to get the Jewish vote for Trump in the numbers he should be getting, bring home the hostages, or decrease antisemitism, despite increasing their visibility and posting.

The public, especially MAGA, includes Jewish middle class people who don’t relate to Botox or Stylists. But, they understand borders, they understand the importance of Jerusalem and are willing to sacrifice for their leader.

Most don’t understand politics. Sid Rosenberg does. He understands that voting for Donald Trump and NOT voting for his political allies in congress, in the senate, in mayoral races, in assembly seats and in every political race is a losing voice for pro Israel, pro-Jewish American common sense Trump agenda goals.

Not only does Sid interview politicians, he actually volunteers his time campaigning and befriends them. He knows that legislation brings success. I’ve heard from too many influencers that ending antisemitism is not political. They are wrong! IT IS ALL POLITICAL. Few understand this. Plus, most influencers who dress for posts like and reposts all day, don’t resonate with MAGA.

MAGA represents Trump supporters who are struggling in this economy or protecting their homes from illegals or fighting for better education at school boards, so that they don’t follow the small group of Jewish influencers sharing graphics. But their churches and community organizations stand against antisemitism and support Israel.

An envoy must be politically astute. Deborah Lipstadt is an example of an academia and cultural star and we know that didn't work for Jews or Israel.

Sid holds a rare quality most don’t talk about but something President Donald Trump relates to and doesn’t mention much. Sid has influence in Hollywood, in fashion, in sports, in understanding people with special needs. An antisemitism envoy needs connections in cultural affairs and be able to do more than just call out an antisemitic remark in a movie or by an athlete.

The author with Sid Rosenberg

Sid Rosenberg would be an excellent choice. He probably wouldn’t want the position. But, as final decisions are being made, the qualifications for a successful envoy are pointed out here and someone with similar qualifications should be chosen.