David and Annie Kornblum nйe Perilis (formerly Hoschander) are in desperate need of housing and humbly request immediate communal support

A devastating fire tore through a Kew Gardens Hills home last Wednesday morning, May 29, leaving the lives of an upstanding family overturned. At 9:30 a.m., the Kornblums called for the FDNY as an inferno raged in their basement at 147-15 68th Drive. "We were told to vacate ASAP," said David Kornblum to the QJL. "We are thankful to be alive, b'chasdei Hashem. We are indebted to the fast-thinking work of the fire department. We are grateful that the blaze was contained and our home has not been condemned. However, much work remains."

As is common practice, the firefighters broke every last window throughout the home, and every room on every floor sustained terrible damage; the house requires a complete renovation. The Kornblums and Hoschander children will not be able to return to their home for at least eight months and more likely an entire year!

The Queens Jewish community fondly remembers the infectious smile and helping hand of the late Marc Hoschander, proprietor of On-The-Marc Dry Cleaners, who left us too soon at the age of 54 after suffering a heart attack in front of his iconic Main Street shop. His yesomim now need our help!

If anyone has potential immediate housing accommodations, the family would love to hear from you. A fundraising campaign is underway at thechesedfund.com; any help is greatly appreciated to help defray the costs of clothing and basic essentials to maintain a semblance of normal life. References are available on request. David Kornblum can be reached at 347-988-5933 with any questions or advice.