Inaugural Amud HaYomi Siyum on Masechta Brachos Just One of the Many Highlights at a Dirshu Shabbos Convention Packed with Inspiration
The Seventh of Adar was the day on which Moshe Rabbeinu was born, and also the day on which he died, exactly 120 years later. Tzadikim were often given the ability to completely live out their years. It is written that Moshe passed away through the “Kiss of Hashem.”
When the Jewish people left Egypt, all the Jews were busy gathering the riches from the Egyptians. Moshe was the exception; he was occupied with searching for the hidden coffin of Yosef HaTzadik, in order to transport it to the Land of Israel for burial. Moshe sacrificed the opportunity for great wealth in order to ensure that Yosef would receive the burial he deserved. The Gemara tells us that, as a reward for this mitzvah, Moshe was honored by ultimately being buried by Hashem Himself.
The yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu is celebrated annually on the Seventh of Adar. It is customary to light a candle in his merit. In addition, it is a custom to fast on this day and say the tikkun. Just as the death of a tzadik provides atonement, so does fasting with repentance. One can also increase in charity on this day in exchange for the fast.
Many people visit the k’varim of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, the Arizal, Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov, and Rebbe Nachman of Breslov on this day, since it is believed that Moshe Rabbeinu was reincarnated as parts of their souls. In a leap year, Moshe’s birthday and yahrzeit are commemorated on the Seventh of Adar I. However, the spiritual aspect behind the auspicious day applies to both the Seventh of Adar I and the Seventh of Adar II.
Haman thought that because Moshe died on the Seventh of Adar, it is a month that the Jews don’t have “luck,” and therefore it was fitting for it to be chosen as a month to destroy the Jewish People. What he didn’t know was that the Seventh of Adar was also the day that Moshe was born.
List of People Who Need a r’fuah sh’leimah (a complete recovery)
Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.
Yitzchak ben Mazal Tov
Chaim Avraham ben Shifrah Zisel
Yaakov Yosef ben Blima
Shmaryahu ben Raizel Shoshanah Miriam
Yisrael ben Raizel Shoshanah Miriam
Avraham David Ben Ruchama
Tziporah bas Fruma
Esther Hadassah bas Devorah
Mitali Naomi bas Gilah Farcha
Hinda Brachah bas Sima Golda
Yael Shoshanah bas Chanah Freidel
Israeli Soldiers (Please recite Psalms 25, 26, 46, 83, 142.)
Ben Zion Yitzchak ben Ilanah Malkah
Aharon Simchah ben Meirah Ilanah
David ben Rivkah Zlata
Matnia ben Sarah
Yehudah Chaim ben Mina Chayah
Yehudah ben Baila
Shai ben Baila
Ro’i ben Baila
Asaf ben Tamar
Avitar ben Tamar
Elad ben Tamar
Amit Levy ben Dalit
Menachem ben Aliza Esther
Yehoshua ben Aliza Esther
Binyamin ben Chanah
Yoel Tzvi ben Adinah Shoshanah
Moshe Avraham ben Malkah Rivkah
Yosef Rachamim ben Sarah
Binyamin Moshe ben Sarah
Yosef Elyasaf ben Devorah
Menachem Shlomo ben Miriam Tamara
Omer ben Sigal
Moshe David ben Chavah Leah
Shmuel Yonah ben Leah
Yehoshua Hershel ben Chanah
Alexander Gedalia ben Chayah Basyah
Ezra Yisrael ben Chayah Basyah
Harel ben Chanah
Oz ben Smadar
To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s T’hilim column, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.