Raising Our Tefilos and Brachos to Rumo Shel Olam

In the previous segment, we discussed the great potential impact of thinking “Adon HaKol (Master of all),” as we recite the Name of Hashem, over 1,000 times weekly – recognizing and internalizing that Hashem controls every minute detail of world events, as well as events in our individual personal lives, AND that He created the world to bestow kindness.

Can My Private Words And Thoughts Really Save Lives?

 The purpose of this segment is to highlight the powerful opportunities that Hashem has provided to us each time that we daven. Throughout our daily tefilos, there are numerous p’sukim that we can focus on and apply to our current situation. The two parts of tefilah that this segment discusses are prime examples, but there are many more.

Transform Your Tefilos, Your Brachos, And Your Life

I would like to begin this segment with excerpts of three letters that were written by different individuals (numerous letters were received by the family) to the family of Rav Mordechai Dovid Kokis zt”l after his p’tirah at a young age.  He was niftar on 15 Kislev 5780.  (I am writing this segment on his actual fourth yahrzeit.)

In this time of tzarah, we are all asking, “What else can we do [to help]?” Those involved in the war directly are certainly doing their part. We are most grateful to them for putting their lives on the line. Others around the world are involved in many ways – physically, monetarily, emotionally – to provide whatever assistance we can.