As part of their 2020 U.S. Census push to ensure New York’s Jewish population is accurately counted, Met Council is extending the deadline for their census raffle to September 1st, with dozens of privately sponsored gift card prizes of up to $2,500 for dozens of entrants. Your ticket to the raffle? A completed census. That’s it!
With the Census hindered and cut short by the pandemic, New Yorkers are running out of time to be counted. Met Council extended their raffle deadline to September 1st to encourage census participation and prevent New York’s Jewish population from once again going underrepresented and underfunded.
“During these challenging economic times, we need to be counted more than ever before,” said David G. Greenfield, Met Council‘s CEO. “Jewish communities in New York have traditionally been undercounted, costing our communities hundreds of millions of dollars. Even the smallest decisions like whether or not our communities’ roads get repaved are tied to the census. Over the next ten years the funding that we so desperately need is built off of our answers to the Census’ five-minute questionnaire. It is minimal hishdatlus with tremendous returns to our community.”
“If you’re not counted, you don’t exist,” is one motto being used by Census organizers to encourage participation in the U.S. Census, the once-a-decade tally of every American. An accurate count means our communities will receive the appropriate amount of funding we need from the federal government, for everything from how much free food the community gets, how many police officers are on the street, how much money is allocated for yeshivas, and even funding for special education, Yes. billions of dollars are at stake.
Met Council developed the raffle, which is being privately funded because of how vitally important it is that community participation in the census increases. The census plays a key role in how the government spends city, state, and federal tax dollars for the entire decade after its completion. An undercount in certain areas could mean the loss of billions in aid that would otherwise go to public works, community security, schools, section 8 housing, and Medicaid. Met Council is hoping the raffle will incentivize the community to fill out the census and do it soon — participants in the raffle must enter by September 1st!
After completing the Census and entering the raffle, dozens of entrants will be chosen to win gift cards with a grand prize of $2,500 to the Eichlers of Boro Park and other prizes. To enter the raffle, census takers can go to, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 646-449-6263.
According to live census data, unfortunately, Boro Park, Midwood, and Williamsburg have among the lowest response rates in New York City.
The Census is safe for every American, regardless of legal status. There is no question on the Census about citizenship and Title 13 of the U.S. Code prohibits the Census Bureau from releasing any identifying information to the public, law enforcement, or any government agency.