The Power of Ashrei
B’chol yom avarcheka, va’ahallelah shimcha l’olam va’ed.
Every day I will recognize that You are the source of all blessings, and I will praise Your Name for ever and ever.
The original segment, which appears below, is especially important during our current time of pain and urgency to aid B’nei Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael and all over the world.
The first point to contemplate as we recite this pasuk is that even if we are not yet on the very high level of thanking Hashem even for the pain, recognizing all is for our benefit, we should still recognize and thank Hashem for the countless blessings we still enjoy each and every day as we wake up alive.
The second point to contemplate is that all we think, say, and do, has the potential to aid our brothers in Eretz Yisrael and around the world. The more we strengthen our belief in this fact, the more inspired we will be to make every moment count. If we can rise to the occasion, we will inspire others, as well, which will have additional great benefits for B’nei Yisrael. Thinking about the S’forno that mentioned below, in our original segment, will help to keep us inspired and focused on the great opportunity and responsibility that Hashem has given to us.
May we merit to rise to the potential that Hashem has granted each of us to inspire each other, using the unique abilities that Hashem has granted to us individually, and thereby benefit all of B’nei Yisrael.
We have all witnessed world, communal, and individual events that, in a matter of moments, completely changed the lives of those involved. The health and physical possessions one enjoys today are not guaranteed tomorrow. In fact, Hashem recreates the Universe each day. Each day, b’chol yom, that we wake up and still have our good health and what we need spiritually and physically is a new brachah from Hashem. We must praise Hashem and thank Him anew for each new day, every day of our lives (l’olam va’ed).
David HaMelech states that “each and every day of my life, b’chol yom, [even the bitter and painful ones], I will still praise Your Name.” Remembering that Hashem and the way He runs the world are beyond our understanding, we are obligated to thank Him for the bitter, just as we thank Him for the sweet, because we know that all Hashem does is for our best, even when it may feel bitter to us. Hashem loves us more than we can imagine, is Almighty, and can and wants to give us only what is truly best for our eternal good. If we accept with love all He gives us, bitter and sweet, and continue to thank and praise Him daily, then we will be assured to be a ben Olam HaBa.2
The S’forno offers a unique interpretation of this pasuk. The sefer Nafshi Cholas Ahavasecha explains that the word “berech” has a few meanings. Among these meanings is “knee,” as we say in Aleinu: l’cha sichra kol berech (to You should bend every knee). Another meaning is tosefes v’ribui (to increase). The S’forno says on our pasuk in Ashrei: It should be the will (of Hashem) that I merit to increase every day those who submit and humble themselves to Your service. Each of us, through our own personal Torah, mitzvos, and midos, has the ability to influence others and bring them closer to Hashem. It is certainly true for those who have the z’chus to teach or impact others in a direct manner. It is also true when one affects others indirectly. Others may observe us and be inspired. If we are diligent in our Torah study, others may observe us and learn from us. If we perform a mitzvah like honoring our parents in a special way, others may be inspired to step up their performance of this great mitzvah. If we are careful with not speaking negatively of others and look to praise and compliment others sincerely, which the Vilna Gaon calls a great chesed, others may seek to follow suit.
It is also true that others are impacted even where we serve Hashem without anyone observing us. Our Torah u’mitzvos bring a flow of brachah and k’dushah to all of klal Yisrael. We say “B’chol yom avarcheka” – Please allow our actions to affect others and increase those who submit themselves to Your service.
The S’forno continues commenting on “va’ahallelah shimcha l’olam va’ed” and writes: “She’yilm’du gam heim l’haviam achareihem.” David HaMelech is saying that when those who came closer to Hashem as a result of his actions teach others and cause them to come closer to Hashem, that is considered as if David himself taught them, and he thereby continues to praise Hashem for ever and ever. We too have this ability. Perhaps we recall being inspired by someone and coming closer to Hashem as a result. Maybe we then inspired someone else, and he or she inspired others. It is deemed as if the original person inspired all that followed. This is one of the meanings of “din” and “cheshbon.” We are told by Chazal that after 120 there is din and cheshbon – judgment and accounting. What is the difference? Din is based purely on our own actions. Cheshbon continues on and cannot be concluded until the time of Mashiach. Cheshbon is based on the continuous impact of our actions, both direct and indirect, on others, and those whom they then impacted. This chain continues until the time of Mashiach. May we merit to always inspire others through our behavior and actions.
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You can direct any questions or comments to Eliezer Szrolovits at 917-551-0150.