The hostage deal between Israel and the murderous barbarian terror group Hamas has begun. The first three hostages were released - a huge simchah! And 90-plus terrorists, many with Jewish blood on their hands, were released in exchange. Be’ezras Hashem, later this week four more hostages will be released, and in exchange another 120 terrorists. Is this really the best deal they could get? Is it really worth it?

Of course, we are thrilled for the released hostages and their families. Why shouldn’t we all celebrate and be happy with them during their time of joy?  At the same time, the future has such a huge question mark hanging over our heads, as Hamas remains in power and all these other terrorists are being released? It’s so bittersweet, with many people extremely nervous and confused.

They should have done this… had they listened to me…stop the humanitarian aid… don’t release any terrorists. Trump pressured Bibi… President Trump is the best thing for Israel…Everyone has a different opinion of what should have been and be done.

A certain talmid chacham told us: “I had thought of an excellent plan to return the hostages and end the war (this was already last year, soon after everything began). I wanted to contact one of the Knesset members to share it. But first, I went to speak it over with one of the gedolei hador. The gadol heard me out, and said, ‘it sounds like a really good plan that could actually work.’ (Maybe he was serious, or maybe he was just preparing me for his next line.) However, for you, this is wasting precious time from limud haTorah, learning Torah. The chance that they’ll listen to you is very slim. Also, if they do listen to you, I’m afraid there are crazy zealots in the political spectrum, and someone might decide to target you for one reason or another. Your limud Torah will accomplish more.”

At the end of Tana D’bei Eliyahu Zuta 14 (which Rav Anan, an Amorah, learned with Eliyahu Hanavi), it says: Klal Yisrael won’t be redeemed from the golus because of their pain and suffering, or from the suppressions, or from the unsettledness and confusion, or from the of a lack of livelihood. Rather, the geulah will come in the merit of ten men who are sitting, facing each other, and each of them is reading and learning Torah out loud with their friend and their voices are heard. The geulah from Mitzrayim was in the z’chus, merit, of limud haTorah (even before it was given by Har Sinai, they were learning all the lessons from the Avos). As it says in parshas Va’eira: Hashem said to Moshe, I have heard the groans of Bnei Yisrael from the servitude in Mitzrayim, and I will remember brisi, my treaty (brisi refers to the Torah, specifically limud haTorah). Limud haTorah spreads holiness throughout all of Klal Yisrael. Therefore, tell Bnei Yisrael I am Hashem and I will take you out. The Tana D’bei Eliyahu continues: Also, in the z’chus of being fruitful and having children you got out of Mitzrayim, so to in the future you’ll be redeemed in the z’chus of having lots of children.

Now, there are many z’chusim which are attributed to help bring the geulah, such as Shabbos and tzedakah. Also, the Gemara in Sota says that in the merit of the righteous women we merited to get out of Mitzrayim, and Chazal say that in their merit we will get out of this golus as well.

(When Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstien zts”l was asked to open Ohr Nava and focus on young women, he was concerned it would take too much of his time away from teaching boys. He went to ask Rav Gamliel Rabonovitch shlita, and Harav Dovid Abuchatzeira shlita, each one separately. Both told him to focus on the girls, quoting this Chazal.)

So, which z’chus will get us out? The answer is: Everything is needed, but specifically these - limud haTorah and having large families.

The Tana D’bei Eliyahu is seeming to describe a kollel! A yeshivah, or a shiur would be more of students facing the rebbi/maggid shiur and listening. A kollel is where everyone is learning together, pretty much as equals, facing their friend/chavrusah, and all speaking in learning.

It is no coincidence that it has become “in-style” to have kollelim. Many shuls host kollelim, and many places have a community kollel. There are many positive and influential results from their presence in a place. They are an essential key in bringing the geulah.        

It is also, Baruch Hashem, quite widespread among Torah Jews to have large families. Torah families.

None of this would be possible without the agreement, desire, and encouragement of the Jewish women. Large families, for sure! It takes great love, strength, patience, and wisdom on the part of the mother. It is a more natural, motherly instinct and better understood. However, the kollel aspect, that’s something else. It’s not written in the kesuba for the wife to support the husband in learning. It’s only possible because of the wife’s amazing resolve that she chooses, desires, and supports his limud Torah! A kollel lifestyle can be quite challenging (especially financially), and if she’s willing to support it, then she shares all her husband’s z’chusim equally! 

I mentioned the gezeiras hakash in last week’s article. Pharoh decreed that straw would no longer be provided, but the quota of bricks would remain the same. It was the hardest part of golus. Just senseless, cruel torture. Mitzrayim was a civilized country, and everything had a rational reason. For example, Bnei Yisrael were a danger due to overpopulation. However, this gezeira to meet impossible quotas was done just to torment them. Bnei Yisrael complained to Moshe, and Moshe turned and complained to Hashem: Why did you send me? It would have been better not to! Hashem answered Moshe: Don’t question me; the Avos didn’t. This is necessary to bring the geulah in a quicker fashion.

As a rule, before the end, things always get worse. This is a sign of the geulah. Things become much more difficult at the end in order to finish whatever Heavenly calculations there are to speed up and complete the process. (It’s actually a hidden display of mercy.) We see this in the physical sense as well. When someone is sick, they first feel worse before feeling better.

How long is the process? We can’t know; everything is hidden. (What’s the golden rule? Those who don’t know say, and those who know don’t say!) However, with emunah and bitachon in Hashem that He is running the show, we can get through it all. Through the power of limud HaTorah, and the z’chus of having many children we will have the strength get out of this golus!

I can’t finish without mentioning again the power of tefillah. Keep in mind that only Hashem is in complete charge and can do anything! The tefillah of Aleinu is the perfect place to keep this in mind (and to keep us from running out of shul!), as we proclaim ein od, there is none other… efes zulaso, there is nothing besides for Him!

What is the correct path for the hostage deal? We pray that those in power made the correct decision. We pray that no one will be hurt by the released terrorists. We pray and hope that President Trump makes the correct decisions and does only good for us all. (Just pointing out, the Haftarah speaks of returning from golus. May it indeed happen very soon!) 

Let us use our powers of limud haTorah and tefillah, together with emunah and bitachon only in Hashem, that He brings Mashiach speedily!

Based upon shiurim heard from R’ Yisrael Altusky shlita, Yeshiva Torah Ore, Yerushalayim.