Colors: Green Color

Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union (OU), issued a statement after some Jewish men went into the Arab town of Hawara and destroyed property. This was in response to the brutal murder of two brothers, from Har Bracha, who were shot – execution style – while driving through this town.

In the mid-1990s, I went to a lot of demonstrations in Israel. Together with hundreds of thousands of others, we were protesting the signing of the Oslo Accords. We were desperately trying to warn our brothers and sisters what would happen if those agreements became reality. Unfortunately, the deal was signed and – exactly as predicted – the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Netanya, Afula, and more became filled with Jewish blood. Buses and cafes blew up, and listening to the news became a traumatic event.

I have spoken to thousands of people about making aliyah and have received some very interesting reasons why – even though they would love to make aliyah – they have decided not to. I must state that my focus and direction on speaking to my brothers and sisters about this life-changing move is different from almost everyone else. I do not push aliyah because of rising anti-Semitism, intermarriage, or the high cost of yeshivah education. I do not talk about the crumbling of America nor the change of the political map. I focus on the positive, always the positive, because that is why I made aliyah back in 1990, and that is what gives one the strength, attitude, and relentless dedication to make it work, despite the difficulties and challenges.

Everyone is congratulating Bibi Netanyahu on his victory in the recent Israeli elections. President Biden called him, and the world is getting ready for another term of Netanyahu as Prime Minister. There’s only one problem: Contrary to what everyone is saying and everything you are reading, Bibi did not win these elections! Think I’m crazy? (Don’t answer that!) Allow me to explain.

Tens of thousands of leftist Israelis have taken to the streets to protest against the judicial reforms of the Netanyahu government. They have held massive rallies, blocked roads, and caused disruptions within the building of the Knesset. Many of my friends have bitterly complained against these people, and their actions, but I strongly disagree. Part of the democratic process is the right to protest, and they have every right to do so. As far as I’m concerned, they can gather every night, make as many speeches as they want, and even use civil disobedience as a tactic in their protest movement. I would like, however, to ask these protestors just one simple question.

Israelis head to the polls next week (Tuesday, November 1) for the fifth time since 2019. Many people have asked me why this happens, and my answer is always the same: Israelis just want a day off! Election Day in Israel is similar to the one thing I miss about life in America: Sunday! No work, no school – just a day to spend with the family. Since the act of voting takes less than ten minutes, which includes schmoozing with friends on the voting line and yelling at the leftists who are campaigning to destroy the country, a whole day is left to enjoy with the kids and grandkids.