Colors: Cyan Color

Whoopi Goldberg said that “the Holocaust isn’t about race” during a discussion on “The View” about a Tennessee school board’s banning of the book Maus, written by a Holocaust survivor. Whoopi could not be more wrong. Unfortunately, she is another example of how important education about the Holocaust is more relevant today than at any other time. With social media spewing misinformation about the Holocaust, it is even more urgent and necessary.

When COVID struck the United States, I thought it would be a unifying force. I naively reasoned that the pandemic would bring people together. I believed that the bitter polarization that began with the crash of the Stock Market in 2007-2008 would finally end. I was wrong. COVID has caused a further rupture in society. It has brought health care workers closer but few others.

The antisemitic terrorist hostage-taking ordeal that occurred in Colleyville, Texas, brought to the surface once again bitter memories of the Holocaust. Jews were singled out simply because they were Jews. Antisemitism raised its ugly head again for all to see.

America is in distress because the Democratic Party is on life support.

There was a time when bipartisanship was the rule rather than the exception. Now the polarization in America is so extreme that anything that comes close to bipartisanship is derided and dismissed.