Dear Alice,

Many nutritionists encourage or even push their clients to exercise, but I notice you don’t. Why not? Isn’t exercise part of a healthy lifestyle? Shouldn’t all your clients be exercising? Don’t get me wrong, I actually don’t really like exercising, I just want to make sure I’m not doing something wrong.

 The similarity between the beginning and end of life is quite remarkable. A baby is often born with little to no hair, no teeth, and sleeps most of the day. It needs to be fed, changed, and wheeled around in a stroller in order to get from place to place. Adults can observe babies for hours as they ooh and aah over every adorable move and sound they make. At the end of life, many elderly people lose their hair and teeth. They sleep a lot, need to be fed and bathed, and are often pushed in a wheelchair in order to get from place to place. One life ends, another begins. It’s known as the circle of life.

Steven Spielberg’s film “Jaws,” forever changed how people approach a beach vacation. Nothing like a shark to take the joy out of some long-planned relaxation. People who go to a hotel or program for Passover have been planning for months for their “vacation of the year.” These programs have a high price tag and consumers have high expectations, but every year there are disaster stories that explode across social media. While there hasn’t been a reported Passover shark incident, some of the actual program fiascos can be described as stranger than fiction.

Fairytale Preschool Center has happily been a staple of the diverse Rego Park community offering a vast array of creative early childhood educational services. With the start of 2020, a unique opportunity with 10 limited openings is now available for low-income parents of children ages 2 through 4 to place their youth in a local caring center-based environment staffed with certified educationalists and instructors at the competitive weekly fee make-up of home-based programs. The 7-hour initiative is designed to start at 9 am and commence at 4 pm giving working moms and dads the possibility to sustain regular work times at the low cost of only $850 monthly. Additional add-on amenities are available on a case-by-case basis to further your preschooler’s social skills.

Many things have changed in the past twenty-five years, but one thing has not: One Israel Fund’s mission. For the past quarter-century, One Israel Fund has worked tirelessly on behalf of the residents of Judea and Samaria. These regions are comprised of an extraordinary collection of people, over 460,000+ residents who are wholly dedicated to life in their Biblical Heartland. But these extraordinary people deserve ordinary lives, furnished with the integral services that the rest of the country is privy to - such as security, healthcare, and education. Since these communities do not receive much, if any support from most of the major Jewish philanthropic organizations, One Israel Fund was created to fulfill in these needs.

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