Dear Editor:
In his critique of Senator Cotton’s grilling of TikTok executives, Sergei Kadinsky sideswiped President Trump, insinuating that he used racist language in calling the coronavirus the “Wuhan Virus.” I understand it’s 2024 and woke culture has seeped into everything, but this is stretching it a bit too far. No one thought West Nile Virus, Ebola Virus, and the Spanish Flu were racist terminology because the viruses were named after the points of origin. Same deal here. It’s okay to say “Wuhan Virus” guilt-free, for the virus everyone sans Anthony Fauci now admits originated in a Wuhan Lab.
Regarding Yaakov Ribner’s response to Moshe Hill, the facts do not align with Mr. Ribner’s supposition that Bidenomics is superior to the Trump economy. He also misunderstands the basics when it comes to inflation. Let me try to explain this in terms everyone can understand. The average American salary is about $62,000 per year. Inflation was about 2% under Trump. Under Biden, inflation is running about 20% cumulatively over the past three years. For some commodities, such as food, it has been even higher. Most Americans’ wages have not increased at the same rate as inflation. Therefore, all of Mr. Ribner’s squawking about good news on jobs reports, economic recovery, and soft landings are worthless to the average American who is now struggling to pay his bills because of the out-of-control inflation under Biden.
Mr. Ribner also appears to conflate Biden’s wasteful spending of trillions of dollars with economic recovery. Economic recovery from shutting down our economy was never going to be achieved by our government spending trillions of dollars. There was a much easier solution: opening it up! Within a few weeks or months of opening it, the economic numbers would automatically trend in the right direction. If you want proof of this, look back at Biden taking credit for the millions of “jobs created” after the economy was reopened. Anyone with even a minimal understanding of economics knows those jobs were always there; he didn’t create them. They were lost only because the economy was shut down for Covid, and then they “magically” re-appeared after the economy was opened up.
Biden’s ridiculous drunken sailor-esque spending was completely superfluous and 100 percent contributed to the rise of inflation. Therefore, it is fair game that he bears the brunt of the blame for the current inflated economy.
Avi Goldberg
Dear Editor:
All of the prosecutors in the politically driven criminal cases against President Trump are in a rush to get their cases started. They all realize that the lawfare they are waging against Mr. Trump can only succeed if they can hang a conviction on him before the November elections. High-profile criminal cases tend to run long, which has the talking heads in the media freaking out over the potential that none of these phony cases finish up before the election. The lefty talking heads, as well as Democrats, all pretend that Trump is being treated like anyone else, proffering the dubious claim that the public has the right to know if Trump is a convicted felon before voting for him.
What’s interesting is that mainstream media, which has been in the tank for Biden from the get-go, only sees running out the clock as an issue for Trump. They are intentionally ignoring Biden’s own bleeding of the clock.
Hypocrisy is nothing new for the mainstream media. So, the media expressing extreme concern over Trump potentially running out the clock, while showing no concern whatsoever for clock management issues on the Democratic side of the ticket, should surprise no one. No one thinks Biden will serve as President another five years. After seeing how decrepit he has looked the past few months, it would be somewhat surprising if he even lived another five years.
In Special Prosecutor Hur’s report last week, where he confirmed that Biden mismanaged classified documents, Hur also confirmed what everyone (even those who are afraid to say it) already knows: that Joe Biden is old and senile and cannot remember even important events such as when he was Vice President or when his son died. Given this set of facts, one would expect the media to be chomping at the bit to know who will really be serving as president for the four years after Biden’s current term. Except that is not what’s happening. Apparently, Americans are only entitled to know before the election if Trump will be convicted on nonsensical charges; they are not entitled to know before the election who they are really voting for if they vote Democratic.
The leftist media, which has covered up Biden’s embarrassing daily gaffes for more than three years at this point, is not pressing the White House at all on the issue of who will be President, assuming the Democrats win again in November. They are fine playing along with the Weekend at Bernie’s charade, where the White House props up Biden for a few minutes at a time before quickly whisking him away to avoid major damage.
The fake news media will do anything within their power to ensure Trump does not get elected. This includes pretending Biden is compos mentis for the past five years. Their only goal right now is to ensure Biden gets over the finish line in November and then have him pass the baton to the one person who might be more incompetent than Biden...Kamala Harris. Harris was polling at zero when she dropped her bid for the presidency in last election cycle. The media knows she can’t win, but have no problem foisting her upon the American people; anything to avoid another Trump presidency.
Let’s hope the American people see through this White House/Media ruse and wake up from this more-than-three-year coma. The media is fond of sounding the phony “democracy is at stake” alarm with respect to a Trump presidency, but the truth is this country cannot survive another four years of Democratic governance.
Jason Stark
Dear Editor:
Warren Hecht began his column last week with a quote from Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who trashed President Biden for not fully backing Israel and instead providing humanitarian aid to Gaza. Mr. Hecht then quotes other Israeli officials who expressed their gratitude to President Biden for the support he has provided to Israel. Mr. Hecht states that he only agrees with the latter opinion. Based on the recent statements and positions taken by Biden, I’m not sure why.
Yes, Biden has provided Israel with instruments of war needed to dismantle Hamas. However, Biden, as he has shown throughout his entire political career, is spineless and always wrong on foreign policy issues. He has made many inflammatory and misleading statements condemning the loss of Gazan civilian life, despite the fact that this was inevitable, since Hamas intentionally embeds itself amongst the civilian population.
Biden also does not care at all about Israeli security, as he has leaned on Israeli officials to end the war quickly, even before uprooting all of Hamas. Biden is worried about losing Muslim support in the swing state of Michigan during an election year. This is why he has provided humanitarian aid to Gaza, which as everyone except apparently Mr. Hecht knows is being redirected to Hamas.
This is also why Biden has made outrageous statements that Israel needs to be more precise in their strikes at Hamas. I say this is outrageous because, instead of Israel drone-striking Gaza into oblivion, they have engaged in an urban warfare that according to most military experts is more treacherous than the battles the US waged in Fallujah two decades ago. Predictably, this has resulted in the loss of hundreds of Jewish lives – lives that Israel decided to sacrifice for the expressed reason of being more precise in their war against Hamas.
As we saw in a press conference this week, Biden literally cannot even remember the name of the enemy Israel is fighting. But long before his senility set in, Biden wasn’t very smart. He has stated on more than one occasion that he does not understand why law enforcement needs to use deadly force on perps instead of just shooting them in the leg. A statement this ignorant is highly indicative of his lack of understanding of engagements with enemy combatants and the necessity to use lethal force in split second “kill or be killed” situations.
If I am incorrect about Biden being unintelligent and a spineless coward, I would appreciate if another writer – or even Mr. Hecht – can explain Biden’s insistence on a two-state solution, where one side calls for the destruction of the other in their charter.
Doniel Behar
Dear Editor:
I wish my hair were as long as my to-do list. Yes, that’s right; it’s Adar Alef, which is a special gift to the Jewish housewife who starts worrying about the following Pesach on Pesach Sheini.
First, there’s the car. Some people are slobs in the house while others are slobs in their cars. I’m a member of the latter group. Unless you have no kids or you own a Mercedes (which you shouldn’t), the car functions as a leather-seated kitchen. Grain bars, ice cream cones, and half-eaten sandwiches are all on the menu at your Rogue or Subaru restaurant. I’ve always worried about getting stuck on a desolate upstate highway with no chocolate bars in sight. Nevertheless, since I have a new car, I’ve decided to keep it pristine until after Pesach, when I will continue my noshing habits and maybe a wheat field will grow in my back and front seats.
The next problem to tackle is the fridge. While passing by, I noticed a strange whiff emanating from the white box. When I opened the door (unfortunately, I don’t have a two-door stainless steel version), I suspected a half-eaten container of yogurt (my nod to healthful eating). However, instead, I noticed weeks-old fruit, and leftover chicken, kugel, and cauliflower. In addition, glued to the back of the fridge, was either spilled Coke or gravy. Two hours later, my fridge was cleaned, and my nail polish chipped. I think I will keep my shelves in alphabetical order: the first shelf for a and b items (I can’t think of any), the second shelf for the majority of my diet – “c” for chocolate Linzer tarts and cake.
Therefore, my lesson to my readers is that it is never too early to prepare for Pesach. Just go to your kids’ houses. By the way, the smell was diced onions.
Debbie Horowitz
Dear Editor:
Wow! Last week clearly demonstrated why the Democratic Party should not be in control of our government for the next decade! A bunch of illegals beat up two police officers in New York City. Thanks to policies put in place by our Democrat-run State and City governments, the criminals were let go without bail. Now they are gone, and few, if any, will be brought to justice.
Later in the week, an illegal 15-year-old from Venezuela fired a gun in Times Square. Thankfully, he didn’t kill anyone. As he fled the scene, he shot at police officers chasing him. There is no longer any argument over gun control. This episode clearly demonstrates that any limitations on gun ownership is to prevent legal gun owners from purchasing whatever legal weapons they choose. No new law is going to prevent a 15-year-old illegal immigrant from obtaining a weapon.
Now we come to the President. The Special Counsel did his best imitation of James Comey from 2016. He laid out the case for why Joe Biden is guilty as sin. He clearly violated the Espionage Act. However, like Comey, he came to the conclusion that the President, like Hillary Clinton, lacked intent. That’s not the standard. Gross negligence is. So, we are not having a debate about whether a sitting President can be indicted for crimes committed before he became President.
The Special Counsel then continued and remarked that the President is not mentally competent to stand trial. This is the sham that was thrust upon our nation in 2020 and Jill Biden, James Clyburn of South Carolina, and every other high-ranking Democrat knew that Biden was not mentally fit to be President. You have to be a really sick person to crave power that much that one would do something like this, hating the country so much that you’d cast our nation into a serious national security threat. Our enemies knew this from the start.
Ask anyone who lost a parent, or Rachamana litzlan, lost a child, what the yahrzeit is. That person will tell you the date because it’s something that will never be forgotten. The President couldn’t remember when his son died. No amount of damage control from the press secretary, the White House spokesperson, or the Vice President can clean this up.
The President, to his credit, made a valiant attempt to clean up the mess in a press conference Thursday night. Well, it was an unmitigated disaster. He demonstrated exactly why Robert Hur came to his conclusions. The President called El-Sisi the President of Mexico instead of Egypt. He is, for all to see, showing signs that his mental acuity is deteriorating.
Biden is now pandering to the Arab voters in Michigan by playing hardball with Netanyahu and Israel. To him, it’s all political. It’s a game. To Republican Jews and all Israelis, it’s life and death. No end to the war. No two-state solution. As Herman Edwards, the former New York Jets coach, once said: “You play to win the game.” We fight to win the war.
Shalom Markowitz
Dear Editor:
This is a response to Sergey Kadinsky’s article about Republican tone-deaf references to people’s ethnic origin when criticizing them, “On Hate from Our Friends.”
TikTok is controlled by a Chinese company, and Chinese companies are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. The fact that the CEO of TikTok was from Singapore has nothing to do with it. Elon Musk owns X, which is not a Chinese company, so how would questioning him the same way be relevant? As far as the Jihad in Dearborn, Michigan, it is of a radical Islamic nature that they oppose Israel so vehemently. I don’t understand why we have to hide the truth. To compare this to McCarthyism is not accurate, because McCarthy falsely associated people with the Communist Party. Truth is a defense.
Abe Fuchs
Dear Editor:
New York City Mayor Eric Adams, just like all his predecessors, went hat-in-hand to Albany requesting billions more from the Governor and State Legislature. There is an alternative to this annual pilgrimage.
Remember the team of Norman Mailer for Mayor and Jimmy Breslin for City Council President in the 1969 Democratic mayoral primary?
They advocated making New York City the 51st state. This idea was based upon the historic imbalance of tax dollars going to both Albany and Washington versus how much state and federal assistance accompanied by excessive unfunded mandates and requirements for spending the funds received in return. Year after year, for decades, the Big Apple has sent billions more to both Albany and Washington than financial assistance it received back in return.
Two US senators could also ensure a more equitable return of federal assistance to New York City.
Mailer and Breslin may have been ahead of their time.
Larry Penner
Dear Editor:
Well at least we now know why our southern border has been left wide open for years under Joe Biden. During his disastrous press conference last week, which he hastily called to prove he was mentally competent to be President, Biden for the third time in a week mixed up world leaders.
Biden first claimed to have spoken to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and French President Francois Mitterrand in 2021, despite the fact that Kohl died in 2017 and Mitterrand in 1996. Then, during his self-implosion of a press conference, Biden claimed he spoke with “Mexican President El-Sisi.” As most of us know, El-Sisi is the President of Egypt.
The lone bright spot is it does solve the border mystery. Every time Biden thinks he’s questioning Mexico about the open border, he’s really speaking with Egypt, who we know has an air-tight border to keep all unwanted Gazans out. Now, at least, we can understand why Biden thinks there’s no border crisis here.
Jonathan Goldgrab