This week’s Musings is dedicated in loving memory of my Sabba, Mr. Abe Staum z”l, whose yahrzeit is this week, 4 Nisan. Among his many other noble attributes, Sabba was very conscientious about time. He was always early to shul and never kept anyone waiting. He was reliable and dependable, respected as a man of his word and extreme integrity. May his memory be a blessing for his family and the many who admired and respected him.
This year, Hashem has blessed me that I was able to publish a Haggadah with my own thoughts and insights, entitled the Striving Higher Haggadah. It was masterfully produced by Mosaica Publishers, and like many Jewish books, it was published in Eretz Yisrael and sent to the United States via boat. The Haggadah appeared in stores in Eretz Yisrael a couple of weeks ago. However, the bulk of the books were delayed in arriving in the United States.
As the weeks slipped by and Pesach continued drawing closer, I became more anxious about the arrival of the Haggados. Once it gets too close to Pesach, the market for the Haggadah for this year will close and they would have to wait for next year, when they would no longer be “hot off the press.”
I realized that my concern about my Haggados is actually a lesson to be gleaned from the Haggadah itself.
Allow me to explain:
The fast-food industry is quite popular these days. People are busy and have little patience to wait for anything. The average consumer doesn’t think about the calories and unhealthy saturated fats contained in the fast food they are eating. They want their food to be tasty, and ready quickly, so they could enjoy eating and get back to their day. Eat now, worry later!
Studies show, however, that it is far better to eat slowly and mindfully. In doing so, not only does one enjoy his food more, but he ends up eating more healthfully, as well.
There are times, of course, when we have no choice but to “eat and run,” but we should try to ensure that those times are infrequent.
How strange it is, then, that at the Seder we make a big deal, and purposely recount, the haste in which our ancestors conducted their Seder on the night before their Exodus from Egypt. In addition, matzah reminds us of the haste in which they actually left Egypt, not even having a chance to bake bread.
Why is it so important to recall the hurriedness of the redemption?
When someone feels pressured and we want him to relax, we tell him to take his time. When one has time on his side, he has more control. He can pace himself and fulfill his task in the manner he wants. Not having time means not having control. He is forced to work at someone else’s demand and has little say or control over the proceedings.
The redemption from Mitzrayim happened at a frenzied pace to symbolize that it was completely divinely orchestrated. True, we had to have incredible faith to follow Moshe’s lead into the vast desert. But the events of the Exodus were clearly supernatural.
The holiday of Pesach has a great emphasis on time to symbolize the complete divinity of what occurred. Although Pesach celebrates freedom, freedom doesn’t translate into anarchy. Rather, it’s freedom of the spirit to be able to allow our souls to become elevated. Such freedom requires physical boundaries and limitations.
The other message to be learned from the pressure of time limits is that life is composed of moments that have to be taken advantage of.
On one occasion, someone asked my rebbe, Rabbi Berel Wein, if he could convey an ethical message in the style of the rabbinic teachings of Pirkei Avos. Rabbi Wein replied: “When opportunity knocks, open the door.” (Rabbi Wein added that the challenge is to determine what is truly an opportunity to take advantage of and what is not.)
In Megillas Esther, when Mordechai instructs Esther to unlawfully appear before the king to plead their case, Esther was understandably hesitant. Nonetheless, Mordechai tells her that this is very likely her moment and she dare not miss it. His words to her must ring in our ears constantly: “Who knows if for a moment like this you came into royalty.”
The Haggadah symbolizes this message, as well. The redemption happened in G-d’s time, not ours. Our ancestors waited a long time for the Exodus. With each plague, they were disappointed when they thought the time had come, and then Pharaoh repeatedly reneged. But when the time finally did arrive, it happened with incredible haste.
Seder night and the story of our Exodus remind us that when the moment arrives, we have to embrace it. If we wait too long, as quickly as dough becomes leavened, so does the moment and opportunity become leavened and lost.
I am grateful that my Haggados have finally arrived and did not become “chametz” on the boat. In addition, I’m grateful that I thought of how to connect my experience waiting for the Haggados to arrive with a Pesach lesson that I could write about. In this way, I also had the opportunity to get some free advertising for the Haggadah.
Although this brilliant essay is not in the Haggadah, there are many other wonderful and inspirational ideas in it. So, make sure to obtain your copy now. Like redemption itself, don’t delay, or you may miss the moment to transform your Seder and continue striving higher with the Striving Higher Haggadah.
Rabbi Dani Staum, LMSW, a rebbe at Heichal HaTorah in Teaneck, New Jersey, is a parenting consultant and maintains a private practice for adolescents and adults. He is also a member of the administration of Camp Dora Golding for over two decades. Rabbi Staum was a community rabbi for ten years, and has been involved in education as a principal, guidance counselor, and teacher in various yeshivos. Rabbi Staum is a noted author and sought-after lecturer, with hundreds of lectures posted on He has published articles and books about education, parenting, and Torah living in contemporary society. Rabbi Staum can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. His website containing archives of his writings is