The rising tide of anti-Semitism sweeping across Europe, bringing in its wake propaganda and physical attacks eerily reminiscent of the years before the Holocaust; the fanatic hatred of fundamentalists towards the State of Israel and the Jewish people in general; the readiness of nations to appease tyrannical regimes such as Iran rather than face them down… all drive home the clear message that the world community is yet willing to tolerate the demonization and destruction of entire peoples.
These words are a direct quote from, in my opinion, one of the best contemporary works on the weekly Torah portion, Unlocking The Torah Text by Rabbi Shmuel Goldin. It appears as an epilogue to Parshas MiKeitz.
It is quite incredible that those words were written about 2007, when the publication was copyrighted. That assessment is totally applicable today – even more so, unfortunately. I informed Rabbi Goldin that I will be quoting from his text, and he gave me full permission, though I can’t say he will necessarily agree with my analysis of today’s situation.
If we are facing an implacable enemy in Israel today, as well as global anti-Semitism, it has its roots in the beginning of our history, as described in detail in the Torah. The agitation coming from the Islamic world goes back to Yishmael himself.
In modern times, the State of Israel has been an anathema to the Arabs dating to pre-1948. But the current situation of internationally driven Islamic hatred sweeping “across Europe” and in our own country, the United States, has more recent roots.
Beginning with the Iranian Revolution in 1981, with the return of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to Iran after 14 years of exile in France, Islamic fundamentalism and all its brutality gripped the world.
At the time, the President of the United States was Jimmy Carter, who, according to historical documents, helped pave the way for the Ayatollah’s return, as Carter felt he could be someone to deal with in thwarting any Russian aggression.
There are a lot of things we can pin on Carter, including one of the first high-placed officials to refer to Israel as an Apartheid state. Somehow, Mr. Carter, who just lost his wife Roslyn, manages to live on. In a large part, his longevity is due to Israeli ingenuity in the treatment of his brain tumor years ago.
He may have orchestrated the Camp David peace talks between Israel’s Menachem Begin and Egypt’s Anwar Sadat, and he may be good-natured in banging nails for the Habitat Project, but a lot of the chaos in today’s world lies on his shoulders. We dare not forget that.
We dare not forget, as well, the many notable Jewish politicians and organizations who fought President Trump to bring in increased Muslim immigration to America. At least, now they can get up and make eloquent speeches about anti-Semitism and its evils while making a few dollars in the process.
I have referred to this in the past, and at this point I would rather not go into a personal rant and name names. But you know exactly whom I am talking about.
What motivated me to address this matter once more are the words of Rabbi Goldin. It is tragically uncanny how what was written about 16 years ago can be copied and pasted into today’s current events. That is why it is so important to remember the root causes the next time you vote or spend money supporting an organization.
Allow me to conclude by stating that, this past Sunday, I had the opportunity to attend the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills annual dinner held in the shul, chaired by Rabbi Stuart Verstandig and Rebecca Wittert, and to offer a few remarks. It was a surreal experience to be back in the shul that has been synonymous with the Schonfeld name for over 70 years. It was terrific to meet and greet old friends once again. I am sure the event will be covered elsewhere in this paper.
I particularly would like to thank the Queens Jewish Link and its publishers Yaakov Serle and Naftali Szrolovits, as well as Shabsie Saphirstein (a dinner honoree). The QJL allows me to remain connected to our Queens community on a weekly basis. Special thanks go to eagle-eyed chief copy editor Rabbi Yisroel Benedek, who does a wonderful job behind the scenes. May they continue in strength for years to come, b’ezras Hashem.
Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld is the Rabbi Emeritus of the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, President of the Coalition for Jewish Values, former President of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens, and the Rabbinic Consultant for the Queens Jewish Link.