Colors: Blue Color

This summer, I had the privilege to work with three talented MTA Juniors on a cancer research project at Yeshiva University. The three students chosen to participate in this program, Shua Feigin, Moishe Newman, and Aaron Poulad, were selected for their interest in science and their dedication to spending half of their summer conducting research.

MTA hosted Simchas Beis HaShoeivah events over Sukkos in Brooklyn, Highland Park, Monsey, Queens, and Teaneck. Talmidim and rebbeim enjoyed singing, dancing, divrei Torah, spending time together, and bonding outside the classroom.

On Motza’ei Shabbos of Shabbos Chol HaMoed, October 19, almost 50 SKA alumnae learning in Israel, both for Shanah Alef and Shanah Bet, joined together for a special shiur given by Rabbi Isaac Rice, head of SKA’s Torah She’b’al Peh Department and Assistant Rabbi of Congregation Anshei Chesed.

The HALB second grade students in Rabbi Lieberman’s class began to incorporate iPads into their Chumash learning. The pilot program is based on the Lehavin (l’havin) curriculum. Each lesson can be individualized, based on the students’ abilities. They are able to review the lesson at their own pace, and the program provides immediate feedback as to how they performed. The students enjoyed working on the iPads and are excited to learn Chumash in a new and exciting way!


Between Yom Kippur and Sukkos, the students of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls were inspired to actively participate in Simchas Torah by studying parshiyos of the Chumash and completing their learning in a siyum held on Simchas Torah.