Colors: Blue Color

For years I have been troubled with understanding the ideas behind Gematria. I have no doubt that my difficulty was compounded by the often-trite application by many who use poetic license in their various speeches. So many bar mitzvah boys had their names twisted into a gematria that amazingly matched up with the numerical value of the parshah they leined just minutes before! Ditto for the chasan and kallah during sheva brachos.

This past Thursday, Rosh Chodesh Kislev, the YTM kindergarten boys were very excited to welcome their mommies to yeshivah for a special "Mommy & Me Chanukah Workshop." The program began with the boys and their mommies singing, clapping, and dancing along with the yeshivah's resident music teacher, Morah Rena Greenberg. Afterward, everyone enjoyed decorating cookies, making keychains, and creating picture frames. The boys were so excited to show their mommies their yeshivah and spend some special time together. A great time was had by all.