Colors: Blue Color

Chanukah is observed towards the end of the month of Kislev; but with no other holiday until spring, the entire month takes on the festive mood of the upcoming holiday. For Kew Gardens Hills resident Sammy Goldsmith, the yahrzeit of his mother Barbara Goldsmith also occurs in this month. To honor her memory, he invited Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz, his 11th grade rebbe at DRS, and now the director of the Semicha Program at Yeshiva University, to speak on Jewish pride as it relates to Chanukah.

 His Lifetime Of Achievement Will Be Honored In New York City On December 10

On Tuesday evening, December 10, at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Manhattan, Ohr Torah Stone (OTS) celebrates the lifetime achievement of Rabbi Shlomo Riskin by completing, dedicating, and dancing with the Sefer Torah that is being written in his honor. Renowned singer and performer Eitan Katz and his band will further enhance the air of celebration at the OTS 2019 Annual Dinner.

An Inspiring and Interactive Learning Program

Emet Outreach has added another dimension to its already multi-faceted learning opportunities. “Torah Connect” is a new chavrusa-based learning initiative for the Queens community. The program is designed to provide a forum where Emet students of varying Jewish backgrounds can be paired with members of the community to connect, share Torah thoughts, and elevate their learning.

Ben and Samantha Kramer; Shalom and Natalie Rakhminov;
and Mrs. Sandra Dua To Be Honored

Yeshiva of Central Queens will celebrate its seventy-ninth anniversary with a gala Scholarship Dinner which will IY”H take place Motzaei Shabbos February 29 at the Old Westbury Hebrew Congregation, it was announced by Israel Glaser, Chairman of the YCQ Board of Trustees.

Congresswoman Grace Meng met with rabbis and lay leaders to discuss issues affecting the Queens Jewish community. The meeting focused on possible methods to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiments, which has been recently and increasingly rearing its ugly head.

David HaMelech says, “The sound of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous... Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter them and thank G-d” (T’hilim 118:15,19). The word “ohel” (“tent”) signifies a non-permanent dwelling. A “bayis” (“house”), on the other hand, is a permanent dwelling. Rabbi Yissocher Frand explains that the reason there is rejoicing – and salvation, enjoyment, and contentment – in the lives of the righteous is because their existence in this world is like that of a tent – temporary. In this world, we have work to do and mitzvos that must be performed. But our physical surroundings are only temporary dwellings – tents.