Colors: Blue Color

Rabbi Marty Katz held a recent meeting with HaGaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a. Amongst the sheilas discussed with the sage was Rabbi Pesach Lerner’s Etetz HaKodesh slate in the World Zionist Elections. Rabbi Katz had turned to Rav Chaim’s grandson, Aryeh, and received an overwhelming reaction showing support for the initiative, indicating that a vote for slate 1 is a correct path for Orthodox Jewry


For the second time in three years, the top-seeded Yeshiva University Maccabees men’s basketball team captured the Skyline Conference Championship, thanks to an 86-74 victory over No. 2 Purchase College, at the Max Stern Athletic Center on West 185th Street in Northern Manhattan on March 1. The conference win was the second in its program history and guaranteed the Maccabees an automatic bid into the NCAA Division III tournament.

It is hard to believe that five years have passed since the passing of Rabbanith Ruth Menashe (Manasseh). During her life, Rabbanith Ruth was the beloved Rabbanith of Midrash Ben Ish Hai, where she organized Shabbatonim, singles events, parties, and gave many shiurim. She also worked as an assistant principal for many years, touching the lives of countless students and teachers. She inspired people daily, with the Torah Minute Woman’s Corner messages she shared, and through her conversations with others and the Torah classes she gave.

According to the midrash on Megillas Esther, before Esther HaMalkah went in uninvited to Achashveirosh, she spent three days fasting, wearing sack-cloth, and praying by way of the window (toward Yerushalayim). She pleaded and cried for Hashem’s mercy, moving from window to window in the house of Achashveirosh (Esther Rabbah 8:7). Why did Esther HaMalkah move from window to window? A possible explanation is: Just as each window offered a different view on the grounds surrounding the palace, the t’filos that she made during those three days took on various angles and forms.