Colors: Blue Color

Bnos Malka Academy had the honor of hosting Shevach High School’s new Menaheles, Mrs. Shulamis Insel. She addressed the middle school, sharing stories and stressing the brilliant treasure that is in each individual person. Using an engaging galaxy light show, Mrs. Insel explained how klal Yisrael is likened to the stars. Just as Hashem has love for each star (each with its own name), He has an abundance of love for every one of us. After her talk, the girls surrounded Mrs. Insel and had the opportunity to introduce themselves and speak with her.


October is Fire Safety Month. Although it is a very serious topic, the children at HAFTR Early Childhood have enjoyed learning about how to stay safe if there is a fire at home or in school. The children are spending the entire month discussing and practicing many aspects of fire safety.


This past Sunday, the Yeshiva of Central Queens (YCQ) held a Ladies’ Luncheon for the Junior High School Girls and their guests. Several eighth-grade girls worked on the event to make it fun and meaningful. Last year, the current eighth-grade girls spoke with Ms. Schlisser about tz’nius and new ways to help encourage tz’nius behaviors in school. Ms. Schlisser said, “I set up the Ladies’ Luncheon because I heard the girls’ request to take a different approach to tz’nius and feeling more empowered, and I wanted to honor their request.” The event was held on Sunday, October 3, a few days before Rosh Chodesh, which was appropriate because Rosh Chodesh is known to be a special holiday for women.