Mesivta Yesodei Yeshurun held its graduation ceremony on Monday night, June 12, at Yeshivas Ohr HaChaim, Kew Gardens Hills. After Rabbi Dovid Rockove, General Studies principal, greeted the audience, the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Doniel Lander, addressed those present with his d’var Torah. Joining at this special occasion were HaRav Mordechai Finkelman, mashgiach, HaRav Shmuel Gordon, Menahel, the rebbeim, the graduates, and their families.
Limudei Kodesh Valedictorian Meir Flamenbaum, Limudei Kodesh Salutatorian Yosef Yakubov, General Studies Valedictorian Daniel Levin, and General Studies Salutatorian Shimon Hack spoke, representing the 12th graders. All the boys expressed their hakaras ha’tov to the Hanhalah for creating a Torah atmosphere where they had the opportunity to grow; to the Rosh Yeshiva, Menahel, Mashgiach, and rebbeim for their teachings and individualized attention; and to their families for their initial chinuch and their continuous support. They wish to continue their learning with the strong foundation and inspiration they got from the Mesivta.
The Menahel, Rabbi Shmuel Gordon, after delivering his d’var Torah, said farewell, mentioning that he is also “graduating” from the Mesivta, after a quarter of a century. The heartwarming night concluded with the presentation of the diplomas from Rabbi Gordon and Rabbi Rockove, Maariv, and a lavish buffet.