The Bnos Malka Middle School was privileged to hear from Rabbi Paysach Krohn on Rosh Chodesh Sivan. Acknowledging the pain of Meron and the current ceaseless attacks from Hamas, we pray that this month of Sivan be a time of the end of suffering and filled with miracles.
Rabbi Krohn inspired the girls about the importance of having a lev tov, caring about people to the point of truly empathizing with them. He explained how the g’matria of lev tov is 49, and this is what we can focus on as we count 49 days to Kabalas HaTorah. The girls were so enthralled as he shared many stories of people who displayed such care and concern for others.
He spoke of Rav Dovid Feinstein z”tl, who, when asked by a newspaper which three people, from any time in history, would he want to “invite for dinner,” responded, “three poor people.” He spoke of a family who last Pesach during the height of COVID had a Seder with an older woman who lived next door. Using open windows between the two homes, she would be able to follow along. This family spent the time to learn the German tunes for the Seder so she would really feel like she was with family.
He related a story of a principal who made sure to remind his talmidim that he loves them every time a boy came into his office, and especially so when the “visit” to the office was for disciplining.
The Bnos Malka students and teachers left enthused to widen their hearts a bit more, to validate, care, and love one another, and with the strengthened achdus, they will approach Kabalas HaTorah.