MTA talmidim, rebbeim, and faculty enjoyed a fun-filled week of Purim Celebrations! Organized by Student Activities Director Rabbi Danny Konigsberg with help from Student Council, each day brought exciting events, including a Crazy Candy Cart that visited each shiur and distributed sweet treats, Jersey Day where talmidim showed off their favorite sports teams and dressed in team gear, and a delicious Ice Cream Party.
The week capped off with an amazing grand finale, V’Nahapoch Hu Breakfast BBQ Blowout & Costume Party, featuring dinner for breakfast foods, including salami and eggs, sausages and home fries, chicken and waffles, and more importantly, the opportunity for talmidim to have a Purim s’udah with their rebbeim in a safe and socially distant manner.
MTA also hosted a Purim Raffle, organized by Senior Akiva Kra, with exciting prizes donated by faculty members! Proceeds from the raffle benefited the Meir Mishkoff z”l Mishloach Manos Campaign, started by MTA alumnus Eytan Mishkoff (’06) in memory of his father, Meir a”h (’75), who ran a 20-year Purim campaign supplying mishloach manos to IDF soldiers and those living in Israel.