In the 2017-2018 school year, HANC Plainview invested in an optional Mindfulness course for the staff members who were interested. The sessions were run by Licensed Clinical Psychologists and Social Workers at the Center for Cognitive and Dialectical Behavior Therapy, based in New York. Last year, only a handful of teachers kept Mindfulness actively going, which led Mrs. Lynda Last and Mrs. Francie Goldberg to apply for a grant to bring Mindfulness back to every classroom. They received a $1,500 Microgrant from The Jewish Education Project, the only organization that works across the New York Jewish community denominations and institutional settings to help educators develop new, innovative ways to engage and educate Jewish kids, teens, and families.
“I saw how much better my students excelled when they did a Mindfulness activity before a test or writing assignment. It is a tool every single student benefits from,” said Mrs. Last. There will be Mindfulness sessions for faculty and students together, in addition to a parents’ informational program, so everyone will be exposed to the same language and learn how to self-regulate no matter the situation.
“Today, our children are so over-stimulated and easily anxious. Teaching them how to calm themselves and be present in the moment will be something they use their entire lives,” said Mrs. Goldberg, when asked about the importance of this grant. Research consistently shows a positive relationship between Mindfulness and mental health, and we know this grant will help bring out the best in everyone at the school.