Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe’s first-grade talmidim celebrated a significant milestone: receiving their very first chumash. The event, held on Sunday morning, December 22, at Ner Mordechai/Shaarei Tova, brought together the boys, their rebbeim, parents, and grandparents for a momentous and heartfelt celebration.
The program began with the boys marching and dancing, adorned in Torah crowns and ties, reflecting their excitement and pride. Rabbi Ahron Bookson, Assistant Menahel, warmly welcomed everyone and extended a heartfelt mazal tov to the boys, and in his remarks he highlighted the importance of Torah learning and its role in ensuring the continuity of our tradition from generation to generation.
Rabbi Bookson led the boys in reciting p’sukim from the beginning of Parshas VaYikra along with their translations. Then, one by one, each boy was called up to receive his chumash from Rabbi Don Pacht, Menahel, a moment filled with pride and joy. The celebration concluded with lively singing and dancing, accompanied by music from Yossi Newman.
Afterward, the boys joined their parents and grandparents for a beautiful collation, sharing in the nachas of the day. The Yeshiva extends its gratitude to the rebbeim for preparing the boys for this momentous occasion and to the Faigen, Prager, Friedman, Babakahnov, and Portnoy families for their generous chumash sponsorships.
Additionally, Rabbi Berger’s eighth-grade Chumash class recently celebrated the completion of Sefer B’reishis with a grand and enjoyable siyum, marking another meaningful achievement in Torah learning at YTM.
From first graders beginning their journey to eighth graders reaching milestones, Torah learning at YTM continues to inspire and connect generations.