At our Early Learning Center (ELC), we combined our Rosh Chodesh festivities with our brand new “Strive for 5 Core Values” to introduce our students to two members of the “Strive for 5 family”: Compassionate Kalman and Connect-to-Hashem Keren!

These new friends, created by our Early Childhood Director, Morah Chaya Wernick, shared an important message with our talmidim and talmidos: even though the month of Cheshvan has none of its own chagim, we’re still able to be compassionate to one another and connect to Hashem every day by doing mitzvos!

Students were then introduced to our brand new Strive for 5 song, sung to the tune of Yoni Z’s hit song, Power, with special lyrics composed by our Assistant Principal, Ms. Elisheva Langstein, to highlight our core values. Our students will be learning this song throughout the year to connect to the values and express their pride in Yeshiva Har Torah!

Our program concluded with a special musical Hallel, led by our Principal, Rabbi Hal Levy, on the guitar. Students sang Hodu laShem ki tov, ki l’olam chasdo – thanking Hashem for all the wonderful blessings we have at home and at school. Be on the lookout for special Strive for 5 stickers that were given to the students to remember these values!

Stay tuned for more updates about our Strive for 5 family, the accompanying song, and more special programs at YHT!