This past Monday marked the one-year anniversary of the tragic events of Simchas Torah 5784. Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe talmidim, like so many Yidden across the globe, took the opportunity to remember the victims, reflect on the tragedy, and focus on a Torah-based response. Renowned speaker Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn, a close friend of our yeshivah, shared inspiring stories of courage, ahavas Yisrael, and hope.

Rabbi Krohn challenged our talmidim to use this as a springboard for growth: to give more tz’dakah, learn more Torah, and inspire our t’filah.

Most importantly, Rabbi Krohn asked the boys to increase their focus on bein adam l’chaveiro, which refers to the ethical, moral, or social mitzvos that govern how people relate to each other. The rav offered a special gift to any YTM talmid who journals two months of daily chesed for others. (Stay tuned for more details on this special program).

These messages and goals are especially appropriate and poignant as we stand amid the Aseres Y’mei T’shuvah. May the z’chuyos of these additional efforts bring y’shuos for klal Yisrael and brachos for a g’mar chasimah tovah.

The asifah concluded with Rabbi Don Pacht, menahel, leading the boys in T’hilim and a heartfelt rendition of Acheinu, inspired by Rabbi Krohn’s message of empathy.

May we be zocheh to see our t’filos answered b’karov.