The Middos Program is underway at BYQ! On Thursday, grades 1-8 gathered together for an opening assembly introducing the theme of the year. The theme of Tav Shin PEI HEI is HINENI – HERE I AM! Ready and willing to do your bidding.
Mrs. Nechama Jurkowitz, limudei kodesh principal, opened the assembly by explaining the theme of the year. Using a clear and colorful slide presentation, she explained that “po” means “here,” and when I say “Hineni,” as our Avos did, I am telling Hashem that I am happy and ready to do His will. When an opportunity for a mitzvah comes my way, I should not say someone else can do it, but rather I should realize that Hashem sent it to me!
Mrs. Jurkowitz gave the mashal of villagers collecting wine in a barrel to present a goblet of wine to the king. Each villager, thinking his small amount of wine was insignificant, instead put water into the barrel. Imagine how disgraced the king felt when he was presented with a goblet filled with water! Yes, each one of us counts, and we must raise our hands and answer Hineni to every opportunity.

Each student received a colorful hand cutout on a stick and was asked to raise the hand to signify HERE I AM!
Our mascot is an adorable hand named Henny, who is always ready to answer the call. She will be inspiring the girls throughout the year to connect with Hashem and raise themselves by working on their midos tovos.
Mrs. Elisa Taub, Middos Program Coordinator, introduced the Y’mei Ratzon Program, entitled IT’S IN YOUR HANDS. She explained that the expression, figuratively, means it’s up to you! The logo of a hand holding a needle helps to depict the midrash, “Open for Me one opening of t’shuvah like the point of a needle, and I will open for you an opening like the size of a hall.” All Hashem asks of you is to want to return and desire to be better and start the process of t’shuvah. Even if you make a small effort, or take upon yourself a small change, that’s enough for Hashem to open your heart to help you along. With this in mind, each class is choosing class-wide, as well as personal, goals to work on each week until Yom Kippur. The girls are tracking their progress daily by coloring in the needle pictures in their Y’mei Ratzon booklets and class poster.

The uplifting Tav Shin Pei Hei theme song was then presented. Yasher koach to the talented eighth graders, Michal Chaimov, Tova Noble, Lenoam Weinman, and Toby Wurem, for the amazing motions. The girls loved learning the upbeat song. The ruach and positive energy was palpable as the students sang and danced to last year’s BYQ theme song and culminated with this year’s theme song. Following the assembly, each student received a hand-shaped colorful highlighter engraved with the theme of the year.
At BYQ, we are looking forward to a year of growth and positivity, as we focus on reaching new heights in our midos tovos and connection to Hashem in a fun, creative, and memorable way. HINENI - HERE we are, ready for an amazing year!