Achdus, hakaras hatov, and warm camaraderie were in the air at the 28th Annual Dinner of Bnos Malka Academy.  The event, held on May 21 at Da Mikelle Palazzo, honored community and faculty members for their exemplary service to the school and the community.

L-R Dinner MC Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov, Bnos Malka President Mr. David Berger, Menahel Rabbi Michael Weichselbaum; Morah Rina Devora Kritzman, Educator of the Year

After Tehillim for Eretz Yisroel and inspiring introductory remarks by Menahel Rabbi Michael Weichselbaum, videos were shown highlighting the achievements of the honorees: Guests of Honor Rabbi Dovid and Tova Delman; Parents of the Year Mike and Marina Zavurov; Kesser Shem Tov awardees Rabbi Yisroel Meir and Chaya Faigy Kramer; and Educator of the Year Morah Rina Devora Kritzman. Each honoree was presented with an exclusive art print created by Mrs. Devora Rhodes.

L-R Mrs. Chaya Faigy and Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kramer, Kesser Shem Tov Awardees; Bnos Malka President Mr. David Berger, Menahel Rabbi Michael Weichselbaum, Dinner MC Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov.

The feature video highlighted Bnos Malka’s core value of inspiring our students to become the bnos Yisroel of tomorrow, through building a connection to self, connection to others and Klal Yisroel, and ultimately a connection to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

Mike and Marina Zavurov were honored as Parents of the Year. Pictured: Mr. Mike Zavurov, Bnos Malka President Mr. David Berger, Menahel Rabbi Michael Weichselbaum, Dinner MC Rabbi Shlomo Nisanov. (Mrs. Zavurov not pictured due to the birth of a baby boy)