YTM talmidim were able to witness another aspect of Hashem’s amazing creations as the student body saw a near total eclipse from the roof of the Yeshiva building. It has been years since the last such event occurred in our area, and the next one will not take place for another 20 years!
Mrs. Pessie Wargon, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe’s primary grades science teacher, has been educating her classes on the science behind the eclipse and explained safe viewing procedures. When the big day finally arrived, the entire Yeshiva was ready for the historic experience!
There was a chorus of “oohs” and “aahs” as the boys turned their heads towards the sun, peered through their special eclipse glasses, and took in the magical sight. The hanhalah extends a tremendous thank you to Mrs. Wargon for taking on this project and creating a meaningful, educational, and thrilling opportunity for our talmidim.