Kollel Moshe Nechemia, established by R’ Aaron Lehrfied, al sheim Moshe Nechemia Sukenik z”l, launched the winter z’man of its acclaimed Motza’ei Shabbos Gemara Chaburah learning program. Baalei batim and b’nei Torah of the Kew Gardens and Richmond Hill Queens frum communities gathered on Motza’ei Shabbos of Parshas Chayei Sarah at Rabbi Wolpin’s beis ha’midrash in Khal Adas Yereim to kick off the winter season with a special koach.
The kollel is currently focused on the sugya of t’filin. Seder begins each week with the chavarei kollel learning b’chavrusa the current sugya b’iyun, followed by a chaburah given by HaRav Yaakov Grossman, the project’s Rosh Kollel, and RAM at Yeshiva Shaar HaTorah-Grodno in Kew Gardens.
In his discourse, HaRav Grossman is masbir and analyzes the various shitos of Rishonim and g’dolei Acharonim through the halachah l’maaseh aspects of each sugya. Invariably, these talks are accompanied by the often-heated discussion and masa u’matan of the b’nei ha’chaburah. Reb Aaron Cyperstein, shul co-president, and son-in-law of the initiative’s namesake, was proudly counted amongst the esteemed attendees.