The animosity and incitement that has characterized “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations is abhorrent. And now it has taken the life of an elderly Jewish man, Paul Kessler, in Los Angeles.
Agudath Israel is appalled, though not surprised, that the overheated, misguided emotions that have roiled many of the demonstrations ostensibly calling for a “free Palestine” but in fact advocating the destruction of Israel has resulted in the violent death of an innocent man.
We call on authorities across our great country to recognize the potential for violence in “pro-Palestinian” protests and to take every possible step to ensure the safety of those who are hated by some unconstrained protesters.
Agudath Israel laments the victim’s death al kiddush Hashem, and extends deepest sympathies to his family and to all who knew him. May they, and all of klal Yisrael, be granted comfort, and the protection that ultimately is granted by the Creator.