While the Book of T’hilim was composed mainly by King David, the Gemara (Maseches Bava Basra 14b) enumerates ten authors who composed individual psalms other than King David. The Gemara speaks of these men as “Asarah Z’keinim,” ten great scholars endowed with profound wisdom and prophetic insight, which enabled them to compose such sacred texts. Psalm 139 was attributed to Adam HaRishon. Another psalm was composed by King Malki-Tzedek. Psalm 89 is attributed to Avraham Avinu. There are 11 hymns composed by Moshe Rabbeinu. There are several chants composed by the L’vi’im who officiated as singers in the Beis HaMikdash.
To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah
to next week’s Communal T’hilim List,
please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.
List of People Who Need a R’fuah Sh’leimah (Please recite Psalms 39, 41, 49, 55, and 56.)
Esther Hadassah bas Devorah
Yaffah bas Monavar
Chein ben Tzionah
Chayah Sarah bas Tziporah Svetta
Shlomo ben Leah
David ben Leila
Ron ben Judith
Mordechai ben Ziesel
Kalman Moshe ben Devorah
John Douglas ben Evelyn Lorraine
Carol bas Rose
Pam bas Clara
Chayah Sheina Chanah bas Itcha
Dinah bas Tziporah
Ezra Refael ben Taoos Miriam
Sally Ronit bas Taoos Miriam
Efrayim ben Leah
Shmuel ben Monavar
Chayah Ayalah bas Tali
Chaim Yehudah ben Leah
Meir Peretz ben Chayah Malkah
Sarah bas Yaffah
Rabbanit Mazal Tov Rira bas Simchah
Isaac ben Dinah
Tinok ben Moriah Temimah
Tzviah bas Sheindel
Chaim Avraham ben Shifrah Ziesel
Yosef Yeshaya ben Rivkah Liba
Eitan Moshe ben Malkah
Eliezer Lipa ben Lifshe
Maayan bas Devorah Hadassah
Chanah bas Shani
Noriel ben Rachel
Reuven Yerachmiel Dov-Ber ben Chayah Rachel
Yitzchak Tuvyah ben Breindel Leah
Samuel Antwi ben Amma-Baadooah
Elimelech ben Rivkah Dinah
Mordechai Chai ben Brachah Yehudis
Yoel Yisrael ben Sarah Esther
Yosef Noach ben Leah Tzivyah
Shahram Shalom ben Touran