Emet’s Young Professionals division recently hosted an inspiring evening with world-renowned speaker Charlie Harary. This event was part of a series of networking and educational events that are geared towards men and women in their 20s who have graduated college and are pursuing their careers. Attendees enjoyed sushi and a wine tasting. The highlight was the address by Mr. Harary on the topic of “Unlocking Greatness.” He engaged the crowd with his authentic, motivational style. He shared many amusing and touching anecdotes all with the lesson of personal growth. The overall message to the audience was to not get too comfortable and limit themselves in reaching their full potential in life and in Judaism. Mr. Harary said the choice is “comfort or greatness,” and he encouraged all to challenge themselves and reach for greatness.
“These events are an amazing touch point between the Emet staff and alumni. It’s always incredible to see students we met as 18-year-old college freshmen, who are now successful professionals, eager to learn and grow spiritually,” said Rabbi Reuven Kigel, Emet Campus Director. “Charlie had the crowd spellbound as he challenged them to be the best version of themselves.”
The Young Professionals events have been spearheaded by Arthur Ilyayev, an entrepreneur who runs an online diamond business and has recognized a need for programming of this kind. “I realized there is a big void in our community after college for people to connect and learn about Judaism, along with others who share their level of religious observance and are building their careers,” he said. “When I met with the Emet team, they shared my vision and together we are planning more exciting lectures, networking opportunities, and Shabbatons, so people can continue to grow in Judaism.”
The next Emet Young Professionals event will take place in August.
For further information on Emet programs or upcoming events, please visit emetoutreach.org.