Elected officials, rabbonim, and community leaders gathered to honor Council Member Karen Koslowitz for her service to her constituents as a member of the New York City Council over the past eight years.
The gathering was deeply emotional for many attendees, who gained broad appreciation for Koslowitz over her many years of exceptional service. Koslowitz has built a life of dedication to the public and our communities have been enhanced by her efforts. Moreover, Koslowitz has provided much understanding for her staffers, proteges, and all those who have worked alongside her.
The farewell party gave Koslowitz the opportunity to pass the torch of her office to Council Member-elect Lynn Schulman, who will be assuming the role come January. Schulman, a Jewish woman like Koslowitz, has developed years of friendship working at the Council with both Koslowitz and the inner workings of city government. As part of the program, Council Speaker Corey Johnson presented the councilmember with a well-deserved proclamation. The event was attended by Queens Borough President Donovan Richards, Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz, State Senator Toby Ann Savitsky, Assembly Member Andrew Hevesi, Rabbi Avrohom Hecht, Rabbi Refael Ribacoff, as well as Ilya and David Koptiev of the Bukharian community.