Hundreds of Jews from the 20 Chabad Houses throughout the Borough of Queens came together for an evening of inspiration and connection.
The event was titled “Soul Encounters” and it truly reflected that theme.
Divrei brachah were offered by Rabbi Moshe Bamberger, prominent Queens rabbi, author, and Mashgiach Ruchani of Beis Medrash L’Talmud/Lander College for Men. Rabbi Bamberger quoted the Rebbe’s Torah on the Fifth Son, who does not even show up to the Seder and how we must bring him in with love.
Greetings were shared by Queens Borough President Donovan Richards, whose previous New York City Council seat represented Rosedale and Cambria Heights, where the Ohel is situated.
The BP spoke enthusiastically about the work of Chabad in Queens and how he stands behind the Jewish People and the Land of Israel and offers his full support.
The audience was then treated to a magnificent performance by famed chazan and chasid Aryeh Leib Hurwitz, who sang an assortment of the Rebbe’s nigunim, which uplifted the crowd.
The keynote speaker, Rabbi Efraim Mintz, delivered an impassioned and powerful address focusing on the theme of how we are sitting on the shoulders of giants and how we are privileged to see our fellow Jews and the world through the pure lenses of the Rebbe. He shared wonderful and inspiring stories and sichos to punctuate his message. He encouraged the audience to visit the Rebbe’s Ohel, which is minutes away from the community, and focused on the tremendous z’chus that Queens has, in having the Ohel in this borough.
The evening concluded with a JEM video of the Rebbe, which is always the absolute highlight of every program.
The evening was a great success and will serve as an impetus to grow the activities of the shluchim in Queens, bring heightened nachas to the Rebbe, and bring the g’ulah now!