I am anticipating the upcoming Bonei Olam event in the Queens Community.
Since its inception, Bonei Olam has earned a reputation as the organization that has undertaken the monumental task of raising the necessary funds – enormous sums of money – to answer the call of each and every childless couple that approaches us, to help alleviate their financial burdens.
From its modest beginnings in 1999, Bonei Olam has vowed to always be there for those who haven’t yet been blessed with children. They have vowed to assist any couple that comes to them for assistance – be it financial or otherwise – in their quest to build a family of their own.
Bonei Olam has answered the call of thousands of Yidden from across the globe. Whether for basic or advanced fertility treatments, genetics issues, pre/post-cancer treatments, high-risk pregnancy care, facilitating an adoption, or the countless other ways that we assist childless couples, Bonei Olam has been a hand to hold for so many!
To date, over 8,000 precious neshamos have been born to Bonei Olam-assisted couples, kein yirbu. Is there a greater accomplishment in the world?
As we prepare for this year’s event, we turn to you, dear friends, to help us make this event a truly remarkable and memorable one. The medical resources are there to help so many more couples in Queens and across the world. The only thing holding back some couples from going ahead with the treatments they need – and deserve – is the simple lack of funds!
Your presence at this year’s event can – and will – make a difference in the life of a childless couple in your community. Please partner with us in continuing to help so many more couples in Queens and beyond. By joining us in our holy mission, you will become a partner with the Creator Himself in the greatest miracle of all: the miracle of life.
In the merit of your partnership with Bonei Olam, may you be blessed with many healthy years, happy occasions, and abundant joy in your life.
I look forward to greeting you personally on Wednesday, July 17, at 8 p.m. at the home of Hudi and Orit Newman, 135-10 78th Road in Kew Gardens Hills.
Schlomo Bochner
Executive Director