Any time Reb Eli Stefansky delivers a live shiur abroad, there is not a seat to be had. MDY participants visiting Eretz Yisrael often make a pit stop at the Mercaz Daf Yomi beis medrash at Nachal Noam 9 in Ramat Bet Shemesh for their dose of Reb Eli, but the tri-state area is privileged to host a mega shiur for locals when the esteemed maggid shiur’s schedule allows. This past Sunday, April 23 was no exception, as a tremendous crowd flocked to Beth El of Boro Park, requiring many to use the balcony seating. In all, hundreds upon hundreds of frum men spanning all ages listened intently to the rhythm of Reb Eli as he infused humor and passion into his evening discourse, presented in conjunction with the yartzheit of Reb Shaya’le, Rav Yeshaya Steiner of Kerestir, the Kerestirer Rebbe, whose impact is felt just as it had been back at the start of the 20th century. It truly was geshmak to do the daf! Special thanks is extended to Rabbi Nesanel Ganz, who devotes endless hours marketing the MDY brand and uniting its membership whenever possible.