The majority of spinal surgery done in the USA is done via an incision in the back. Makes sense!
But a growing number of spinal surgeries are done via a frontal or anterior approach, meaning through an abdominal incision.

The spinal discs actually rest in the middle of the body, closer at times to ones front than back.
This can make the approach elegant, smaller and cut through less muscle.
Also, when approached from the front, the entirety of the disc can be removed and replaced with a large replacement or “cage” made of titanium and /or bone leading to an excellent replacement of the natural shock absorber.
Below is a photo of a recent 70 yr old healthy woman who had severe back and leg pain treated with frontal surgey by removing two discs and replacing them with titanium and a robotic assisted screw placement done minimally invasively through small incisions in the back.
Often, as below the two techniques are combined.
Dr Zonshyan commented on the surgery below;
Although it takes more coordination because a frontal spine surgey requires the assistance of a vascular or general surgeon, the results can be outstanding, with less muscle pain and earlier recovery. I am happy with these x -rays! More importantly, the patient is doing well!

To see if you are a candidate for any of our minimally invasive, front or back techniques, make an appointment at 2015103777 or reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. our community liason.
Wishing you good health and a Happy Holidays!
Dr JD Lewin
Dr Sam Zonshayn
Dr Vagmin Vora