Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), representing over 2,000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in matters of American public policy, responded sharply today to the recent report produced by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), asserting that a series of mainstream Jewish and allied charities are spreading "Islamophobia" by opposing radical Islamic terror. The rabbinic group called the report both pro-terror and antisemitic.
"CAIR was founded by individuals associated with Hamas, a genocidal terror organization, to provide a PR front and support the Hamas agenda in the U.S.," said CJV President Rabbi Pesach Lerner. "It was an unindicted co-conspirator in the federal Holy Land Foundation anti-terror case, and now employs the charge of 'Islamophobia' as a cudgel to attack foundations, organizations and outspoken individuals who call it out correctly and truthfully as an apologist for terrorism. The targeted groups include several of the foremost supporters of Jewish life and indigenous rights in the Land of Israel. It could only be regarded as a significant badge of honor for them to be labeled hateful by such a virulent hate group."
The absolute majority of hate crimes motivated by religious bias in the United States are committed against Jews, exceeding crimes against Muslims by over five to one. Jewish students on college campuses are targeted and harassed, often by Muslim groups and Students for Justice in Palestine, which glorifies terrorism and antisemitism. The vast majority of terror attacks in Israel are committed by assailants motivated by radical Islamic ideology, incited in both mosques and by government leaders.
CAIR released a statement condemning the recent hostage event at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, but did so after previous statements that contributed to the hostile environment in which it took place. CAIR has loudly agitated for the release of Aafia Siddiqui, the same demand expressed by the synagogue terrorist. Siddiqui’s own bigotry was on full display at her Federal trial, in which she tried to exclude any juror with a “Zionist or Israeli background,” meaning Jews, and then declared that her verdict was “from Israel and not from America.”
Yet just last month, CAIR held the latest in a series of recent events in Texas to call attention to Siddiqui’s "plight" and to demand her freedom. Just prior to that, CAIR official Zahra Billoo urged followers at a Muslim conference to “pay attention to the Zionist synagogues,” and to “know your enemies,” saying that “Islamophobia is a well-funded conspiracy” backed by Jewish organizations.
"As it is employed today, 'Islamophobia' is fake news," said CJV Midwestern Regional VP Rabbi Ze'ev Smason. "Like the political and media figures who called it 'anti-Muslim' to mock Rep. Ilhan Omar's support for Hamas terror fronts like CAIR, it is those who misportray support for radical Islamic terrorism as a Muslim religious act who are guilty of inciting hate against an Abrahamic faith with hundreds of millions of peace-loving adherents. It is Omar and CAIR which deserve robust condemnation for spreading hate under the guise of religion."