On Wednesday, September 30, Congregation Etz Chaim of Kew Gardens Hills geared up for a COVID-19-compliant lulav and esrog sales pick-up in preparation for the Sukkos holiday. Siblings Chani, Shimmy, and Levi Orenbuch arrived in front of the shul with sidewalk chalk and a tape measure at the suggestion of the shul rav, Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg.
The children carefully drew circles, measuring them six feet apart, and wrote “keep 6 feet,” “MASK ON!” as well as “Chag Samei’ach,” and a picture of a sukkah on the sidewalk approaching the shul. The children understood that their messages would remind the adults to practice social distancing, wear their face coverings, follow the safety protocols, and create a kiddush Hashem while preparing for and observing the holiday. The Orenbuch children are usually part of a larger committee, including cousins and friends, who decorate the shul’s sukkah each year. Sadly, Etz Chaim did not build the sukkah this year due to the pandemic.