Torah scholar Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker will keynote the Orthodox Union’s (OU) Women’s Initiative Weekend of Inspiration in Far Rockaway and Queens, addressing “A Woman’s Approach to Cheshbon HaNefesh and T’shuvah.” Her presentation will explore how to develop a practical and empowered attitude towards self-evaluation and improvement without self-condemnation and guilt.
Schoonmaker will speak on Shabbos, September 21, at 5:25 p.m. at The White Shul in Far Rockaway. She then moves onto a pre-S’lichos shiur at the Young Israel of Queens Valley in Kew Gardens Hills at 9:30 p.m. that night, where she will discuss “A Woman’s Preparation for Yom HaDin.” The session will explore understanding the purpose of Elul and the Yamim Nora’im, and cultivating a mindset that is inspiring and sustainable for the very busy woman. All women in the community are invited.
The pre-S’lichos shiur will be available online for women across the globe to watch. It will go live at 9:30 p.m. Eastern Time at
Schoonmaker will speak to students at Midreshet Shalhevet, Shevach High School, and Shulamith High School for Girls on Friday, September 20, to help put everyone in the mindset for the upcoming Yamim Nora’im.
She will also present at the OU’s third annual Torah New York on Sunday, September 22, which is expected to draw more than 2,500 people to Citi Field in Flushing, Queens, New York for a day of Torah study and to address topics and questions facing the Jewish world today from the perspective of Jewish law and thought.
Schoonmaker has been a faculty member at Michlalah Jerusalem College for more than 25 years and oversees an alumnae counseling hotline for its overseas graduates. She is the founder of the highly acclaimed, an interactive teleconference personal-development program for women of all ages. She resides in Yerushalayim with her husband, the rosh yeshivah of Shapell’s / Yeshiva Darché Noam, and their children.
“Dina is one of the most dynamic scholars today, known for inspiring women of all ages. As we head into the Yamim Nora’im, her words of Torah will help bring the spirit of the season into our hearts and minds,” said Founding Director of the OU Women’s Initiative Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman.
“The OU Women’s Initiative has had tremendous success in creating programming and learning opportunities for women in our community,” said Orthodox Union President Moishe Bane. “The series of shiurim that Mrs. Schoonmaker will be delivering over Shabbos, as well as the next day at Torah New York, will help the community get into the frame of mind for the Yamim Nora’im.”