On Sunday morning, September 22, the fathers of Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe's seventh grade were invited to spend the morning bonding with their sons in yeshivah. The morning began at 9:15 a.m. with a special seventh grade shacharis minyan. Afterwards, the fathers and their sons had the opportunity to participate in a scrumptious breakfast. The seventh grade rebbeim invited the fathers to join their sons in class for a special father-son shiur.

Seventh grade is the year when boys start celebrating their friends' Bar Mitzvahs. As an introduction to the world of Bar Mitzvahs, the yeshivah invited Yossi Newman of Yeshiva Boys Choir to teach dancing techniques to the talmidim. The boys (and many of the fathers) followed Yossi’s lead and were able to fine tune their dancing skills.

The morning concluded with a special kumzits that was mechazek both fathers and sons. A special mazal tov to the seventh grade on the opening of Bar Mitzvah season!