Israel’s first king
Was Saul;
He was mighty, noble
Brave and tall,
Wise and humble
Kind to a fault,
Misplaced kindness
Was his downfall.
Over Amalek,
Israel’s arch enemy,
Hashem gave King Saul
Saul pitied their king,
Disobeying G-d’s words,
Spared the life of the rasha
And the best of his herds,
That one night
The wicked king survived,
Caused G-d and Israel’s
Worst enemy
To thrive;
Mercy to the merciless,
A tragic mistake
Caused a ripple effect
That endures
To this day.
Mr. Prime Minister,
A word of advice:
You’re dealing with the devil
Don’t be so nice!
What did endless concessions
And appeasement achieve:
Endless attacks,
A new Holocaust,
Horrors beyond belief.
How dare you
Give aid
To our people’s murderers!
What of those held captive,
What of Israel’s soldiers,
Are they fighting
For something
You’ll again, give away?
Will the brave
Who have fallen
Have died in vain?
Drop the politically correct
You’re not more merciful
Than G-d;
Remember King Saul,
Stand steadfast; abort
Pleading Israel’s case
To kangaroo courts.
The formula is simple,
No need to explain:
As with King Saul,
May your successor be
Of the Davidic dynasty,
A leader unafraid
To obey G-d until
At last, there is mercy
For the merciful.
The world and all in it
Is HaKadosh Baruch Hu’s;
He gave His Holy Land
To His chosen, the Jews.
From the battlefields
To the study halls,
May we see Hashem’s
In our enemies’ fall!
Don’t lose hope,
Keep the faith;
Although Amalek is in power,
Soon will rise
David’s tower,
Bringing Salvation’s hour.
Be strong and of
Good courage:
Israel’s destiny will be
To dwell in peace,
At the heights,
From the river
To the sea.
By Sharon Marcus