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NYT Hires Another Anti-Israel Extremist To Cover Israel

Hardly a week after the Oct. 7 attacks, The New York Times hired a committed anti-Israel ideologue to...

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Hundreds of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reservists have been mobilized to guard the area around Gaza in reaction to the Iranian-sponsored Islamic Jihad that is continuing a rocket barrage against the State of Israel. Thousands of innocent Israelis remain in nearby bomb shelters, dreading the moment they need to enter its doorways. Nearly 200 rockets have been fired at the Holy Land in just the past few days, all launching from the Gaza Strip.

When Gitta Jaroslawicz-Neufeld won $50,000 on the Who Wants to be a Millionaire? TV game show, she decided to use the money to fly to Israel to attend the Yemei Iyun B’Tanakh – a religious Bible study conference held at Herzog College in Alon Shvut in Israel’s Gush Etzion region. There she discovered an exciting world of Tanakh lecturers and resolved to help Jewish Studies teachers from New York schools to study with them.