Short Answer: Most poskim rule that a child cannot disagree or contradict a parent, regardless of whether the discussion is about Torah/halachah or other topics. However, there is room to be lenient if the child disagrees with the parent (i) not in the parent’s presence, (ii) with the parent’s permission, or (iii) in a questioning manner instead of a disagreeing or objecting manner.

Question: May the Sheva Brachos be recited through a microphone?

Short Answer: Many poskim rule that Sheva Brachos should not be recited through a microphone. However, there is a minority of poskim who allow it, and many people appear to follow this view.

Question: Should the last names of the chasan, kallah, and witnesses be written on the kesubah?

 Short Answer: Although Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l, Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt”l, and Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik zt”l all thought it preferable to include the last names on the kesubah, the prevalent custom is not to include last names.

Question: Should the one who makes the Birkas Eirusin under the chupah drink from the cup, or should he just give it directly to the chasan and kallah to drink?

Short Answer: Many reasons are given to support our minhag that only the chasan and kallah drink from the cup. However, some were makpid that the reciter of the Birkas Eirusin also drinks from the cup.