I’d like to wish all our readers, supporters, and friends a Chag Kasher v’Samei’ach. This was a year nobody will ever forget; it was one filled with much loss and has left many picking up the pieces of their lives. Our shuls and schools were closed, businesses remain in shambles, we experienced a tremendous loss of life, medical issues have plagued society, and there is still incredible unemployment. But there is light at the end of the tunnel.

 On the first night of Nisan, we start counting until the moon is full on the 15th of the month. This is Seder night, our annual birthday party as a nation. Some 3,000 years ago, we were an enslaved people yearning for liberation from a tyrant. With the Haggadah, every year we gather to start our calendar anew by retelling the saga of the birth of the unbreakable soul of our nation. Pesach reminds us that we have a powerful, unique neshamah (soul) as individuals and are also a part of the greater soul of the Jewish People.

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