Your skin is the largest organ in the body, and serves as an outer protection against germs and bacteria. A compromised skin barrier can lead to a number of skin conditions and symptoms, including the following:
Dryness - Your skin may feel tight and dry, look dull, and lack moisture.
Sensitive skin - You may be more sensitive to irritants, which can result in redness, and an itchy and stinging sensation.
Acne - Bacteria and other impurities can easily penetrate your skin, leading to acne and breakouts.
Uneven skin tone - When your skin barrier is damaged, it can disrupt the skin’s normal cellular turnover/
Wrinkles - A sudden increase in fine lines and wrinkles is a sign of dehydration and a damaged skin barrier.
Hyperpigmentation - Damaged or broken skin will affect the skin’s ability to fight off UV damage, leading to increased hyperpigmentation.
Rosacea - A weakened skin barrier may lead to a skin condition called Rosacea, which is categorized by a ruddy face with papules and pustules, known as adult acne.
A compromised skin barrier can be caused by cold weather, allergens and pollutants, and too much sun exposure, which includes spending time on the ski slopes on a sunny day. In addition, hot showers, harsh soaps, poor skincare, skin injuries and cuts, as well as eating unhealthy foods can further aggravate this problem.
The key to repairing a damaged skin barrier is hydration. Opt for hydrating serums and moisturizers that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides. All these ingredients will greatly help retain moisture while hydrating your skin. Also, be sure to use sunscreen when exposed to the sun, especially when spending the day skiing. Maintaining a good skincare regimen and using products suited for dry and sensitive skin will help repair skin damage. Avoid longer exposure to hot showers, which can strip the skin’s natural oils and disrupt its skin barrier. In addition, be sure to drink plenty of water to hydrate from within.
Although cold weather and harsh elements can wreak havoc on your skin, you can take proper precautions to protect your complexion. With a bit of effort and added hydration, your skin will feel and look great.
Risselle Naimark is a Professional Freelance Makeup Artist and Skincare Consultant. She carries an extensive line of personalized skincare, cosmetics, and anti-aging products. Risselle is also available for weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, makeup lessons, and all of your beauty needs. She can be reached at 718 263-5517.