Colors: Cyan Color

A Landmark Remembered!

Dear Editor:

 For the last 81 years – and no, I can’t believe it either – one part of our neighborhood has stood in the same location, surviving past transformations in the neighborhood, and the industry in which it served.

Dear Editor:

I am writing in to all the camp directors in the area and for all the parents that haven’t written in about this. “This” is the fact that camps finished August 16-19 and there are three, shalosh, drei, tres weeks until the new school year begins. I am speaking for the working parents who have to scramble to find babysitters, bring their kids to work (not fun), try to work at home (accomplishing nothing) or use PTO days. I’m also talking for the stay-at-home parents. Yes, they are home; but kids are usually in school or daycare for at least part of the day. Now with the kids home, that have responsibilities to do, and don’t have that de-stressing time to even think. And all of us parents are pulling our hair out of our heads.

Dear Editor:

I’m writing this because I feel disgusted at what I witnessed this past Shabbos, and I won’t be able to breathe easy until I know that I did something about it. I don’t know how many readers will actually read this or care, but I care and so should others.

Dear Editor:

As an avid reader of Goldy’s weekly column, I admire her dedication to finding ideal mates for singles. As such, when I read this past week’s article about the “Not Crazy Cat Lady,” I smiled because my nephew has a similar problem. He is a 39-year-old, never married, 5’10” Long Islander who is truly a great, sweet, down-to-earth guy who would be appreciative to date a woman in the tri-state area. His greatest challenges are: