Jobs For Kamala

Dear Editor:

Good news, Kamala! There’s no need to get in touch with Indeed, because your trusty letter writer is here to help. There are those who would like to get rid of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and replace her with you. What about ousting President Biden before the inauguration and making you interim President? Perhaps you can become a commentator on MSNBC or become an Op-Ed writer for The New York Times. (Wait a minute; I want that job.)

I don’t think we have to pass around the plate for the vice-president, but it’s amazing how the mighty have fallen. Gone is Air Force Two or the VP’s mansion in Washington. (Don’t forget to take down the mezuzah.) However, I don’t feel sorry for them. Their net worth is well into the millions, which might explain why she lost the vote of Americans who are upset about the grocery bills. (I’m not even talking about the kosher grocery bills.)

Let’s consider what she can do with her free time. She can always write a memoir like Melania and J.D. Vance. She can explain what went through her head when she chose Tim Walz and not Josh Shapiro to be her VP. Perhaps she can have a recurring role on SNL playing herself. She can have a sit-down interview with Oprah and get back her million dollars. There’s always Netflix binging, where she can explain the plot of The Diplomat to me or explain Kevin Costner’s exit from Yellowstone. (I never watched it.) Maybe there’s a senior village in Florida, where she can play Mahjongg and wear whatever pantsuits she has left in her closet. Take my advice, Kamala – it’s free.

 Debbie Horowitz


Dating Today

Dear Editor:

All I have read for the past couple of months, or more, is politics, politics, politics. Even in the “Your Say” section, it’s all about politics. Yes, I have an invested interest in the elections, but it’s not the only thing I care about. The “Dating Today” column never got political. The column never brings me down or bores me. I turn to it as soon as I bentch lecht on Friday night, ready for a good read.

Last week’s article about having a safe place or a safe thing to calm you down when nervous is great. I passed it onto my niece who is dating. She said that she always carries a green crayon in her purse or pocket to work and on dates. She said it makes her feel calm. She can concentrate on it and let her anxiety pass. Why a green crayon? I don’t know, and I didn’t ask her to explain, because it’s for her and not me. But thank you for writing and publishing an article that many people need to read, because everyone gets nervous at some point.

You don’t have to be dating to fully understand Goldy’s point. She writes about issues that we can all relate to. And if we can’t relate to it, maybe we know someone who can, or it teaches us about something we didn’t know – while still putting on our face.

Stop with the politics and get more lifestyle articles for those of us who want to relax on Shabbos.

 Leah Shemtov


Dear Editor:

Since 2019, the party line was it would require a $15 toll for Congestion Pricing to raise $15 billion. This would help fund the MTA $51 billion 2020-2024 Five-Year Capital Plan. Now, five years later, Governor Hochul claims that the same $15 billion can be found with a $9 toll. She proudly boasts that this 40 percent reduction in the price will save commuters and taxpayers a significant amount of money. How do you justify the change in math five years later?

No details were provided at Hochul’s press conference to explain this. The MTA Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey periodically raise bridge and tunnel tolls. It will be the same with MTA Congestion Pricing before reaching $15. So much for truth in advertising.

Larry Penner


More Winners and Losers of the Election Cycle

Dear Editor:

I would like to make a few additions to Warren Hecht’s list of winners and losers from the 2024 election cycle. The obvious winner is democracy. Democrats pretended for two years that Trump was the threat to democracy, yet ironically it is Trump who is saving it. Notice how, now that Democrats are out of power, there’s been zero talk about getting rid of the filibuster, adding states to our Union, or packing the Supreme Court – all horrible Democratic ideas that undermine our democracy. That’s not a coincidence.

Another big winner is our justice system. The era of endless lawfare waged against political enemies is over, at least for now. Again, Democrats pretended for years that Trump would weaponize the justice system – all while conducting the most vicious lawfare campaign in this country’s history against Trump.

When it comes to losers of this election cycle, it’s hard to leave out mainstream media. They beclowned themselves so much over the campaign that eventually the public just tuned them out. Let’s not forget that, in the last week before the election, they tried to convince us that a joke at a Trump rally told by a roast comedian about the garbage removal problem in Puerto Rico should hold more weight with voters than 20 million imported illegals and 20 percent inflation.

The only competition for mainstream media in the fake news industry are pollsters. They, too, are big losers in this election cycle. For the third consecutive election, they undercounted Trump’s support. Perhaps if they would concentrate on polling the public instead of trying to will a desired result into existence, they would be a lot more accurate.

Finally, I would like to point out an absurdity that appeared in Mr. Hecht’s column last week. Mr. Hecht wonders whether Trump will pressure Israel to end its war ASAP at the risk of losing munitions. One is left to wonder whether Mr. Hecht has paid any attention to how the current administration has treated Israel. Biden slow-walked and, at times, held back weaponry to Israel. Harris stated that what Israel has done in Gaza is “unacceptable.” And Chuck “shomer Yisrael” Schumer called for a regime change and demanded the ouster of democratically elected Netanyahu as Prime Minister. To question Trump, who has been Israel’s best friend, on the heels of what will go down as the most disgraceful foreign policy treatment of Israel by the Biden administration is next-level gaslighting. Are there isolationists in Trump’s circle? Likely. But the assertion that Trump will be adversarial in his relationship with Israel is evidence-free and would be a complete 180 from his prior treatment of Israel.

 Avi Goldberg


Dear Editor:

I hope that Warren Hecht continues with his QJL column at least until Purin time, because I do not know of better material for a Purim schpiel than Mr. Hecht’s views on government.

 Choni Herschel Kantor
Kew Gardens, New York


Voter ID Should Be Required Everywhere

Dear Editor:

The media spent much of this past year speculating what would occur if Trump lost the 2024 election. Thankfully, the election results put all that speculation to bed. The media had to begrudgingly report that Trump won the popular vote by four million votes. One thing they did not report on (fake news never takes a break) was that Kamala Harris only won states that have no voting ID requirement.

We will never know the true margin of victory for Trump, but I suspect it is a multiple of the reported number. While the country dodged a bullet this time with Trump’s landslide victory over the country’s first DEI/AI-generated candidate, no voter ID rules in many states is a recipe for disaster and is likely rife with fraud. There are many naive people out there who think that since voter fraud goes unreported in the media, it does not exist. Don’t be silly. Unreported fraud is still fraud. If Democrats were confident that their horrific and destructive policies were popular with the public, they would never push for no voter ID rules. ID requirements are in place to get an alcoholic drink or fly on a plane. The only logical reason Democrats support no voter ID is to enable them to cheat. If anyone out there reading this can think of any other plausible explanation for this nonsense, please enlighten us all.

 Jonathan Goldgrab


Moving On

Dear Editor:

Warren Hecht included non-violent felons in his list of winners last week, since job-seeking, convicted, non-violent felons can now point to Trump landing the most important job in the country after being a convicted felon. As a former director of a not-for-profit charity, I can tell you I would never hire a former Ponzi schemer to be controller of the operation. Moreover, any attempts to convince me to reconsider based on some phony, 100 percent politically motivated prosecution using an unprecedented legal theory consisting of exhuming a misdemeanor that the statute of limitations long expired on and turning it into a 34-count felony conviction, I can assure you would be met with laughter and derision.

Mr. Hecht, the real verdict was rendered on November 5. The electorate saw Trump’s conviction for what it was: a disgraceful weaponization of our justice system. Despite all the attempts by leftoids to hype up the lawfare by scaring Americans into not voting for a “convicted felon,” Americans soundly rejected that. They voted to move on from the era of lawfare. I suggest you do the same.

 Doniel Behar


The Election: Winners and Losers

Dear Editor:

Warren Hecht lists his winners and losers, but he is the real winner! He now can complain about Donald Trump for the next four years. Israel and, yes, Warren Hecht is a winner as Donald Trump has vowed to support Israel with all the weaponry to win the war against Hamas and Hezbollah (despite Warren’s fear)!

Fun reading for the Queens Jewish Link!

 Michael Rollhaus


 Molly and Bluey

Dear Editor:

Thank you for writing the article “Molly and Bluey”! When I was dating, I was always nervous and anxious in the beginning. I would manage to get through the evening; but if I had a little keepsake I could’ve kept in my pocket to hold on to, it would have made things so much better!

Leave it to Goldy to take any topic, new words in the dictionary, and tie it together with dating. It’s brilliant! I love the way Goldy’s stories are so relatable. It makes me feel like it was all normal, what I was feeling, and I wasn’t the only one feeling this way. Please keep up the great work and writing! The “Dating Today” column is one of the only things I read that doesn’t depress me or remind me about the state of the world.

 Chanie Abenstein


Why Haven’t We Heard from the Democrats’ #1 Superfan?

Dear Editor:

I have to admit, I was disappointed to open up the Queens Jewish Link the week after Trump trounced Kamala and not find any letter from the former VP of the Rosedale Jewish Center, Mr. Pecoraro. No, I wasn’t expecting a mea culpa, nor was I expecting to see anything nice about Trump; but c’mon, Mr. Vice President, give us something!

The Democrats obviously went for broke with woke and are reeling now; and with Behar, Goldberg, Goldgrab, and Markowitz dancing on the Dem grave, VP Pecoraro has gone silent. While I disagree with all of his political takes, I do enjoy reading his weekly screeds, if only to see how the other side lives.

The QJL readership has grown exponentially over the years, but I don’t think Trump gets a weekly briefing on the QJL letter writers bashing him in this paper. Ergo, this is a safe space, and those criticizing Trump are unlikely to be deported or incarcerated for disagreeing with him. So, how bout it, Mr. Vice President? The QJL readership awaits your response.

 Jason Stark