Attention university students, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, AOC, Jerrold Nadler, Gregory Meeks (both of the latter did not vote with the majority to sanction the ICC for criminalizing Israel), Bernie Sanders, Code Pink, Jewish Voices for Peace, assorted liberal Democrats, the Pope, Candace Owens, Ireland, Australia, Brazil, the ICC, and of course the United Nations:
You are known to be a sincere group of people dedicated to protesting genocide. That is, if the “genocide” is committed by the Jews of Israel defending itself against the world’s most vicious terrorists.
Here’s a genocide that should excite you. Except that it really is a genocide. And it is many times worse than whatever Israel is falsely accused of. Allow me to quote verbatim from Last Friday’s (January 10) Wall Street Journal. It’s on the last page of the first section, about a quarter of a page in size.
Headline: “US Criticized for Moving Slowly on Sudan Genocide.”
“President Biden’s decision to accuse Sudanese paramilitary group in the final days of his administration drew criticism as too little too late, with tens of thousands of people dead after 20 months of fighting in the East African country.
“The US charged Lt. General Mohamed Hamden Dagalo and his Rapid Support Forces, a paramilitary-turned-rebel group largely composed of ethnic Arabs, of targeting Black communities, killing men and boys and raping women and girls.”
Has anybody heard of this atrocity? Where are the encampments on universities calling for a halt to genocide? True, in the world of identity politics, it’s not cool to condemn Arabs, even if they are terrorists. But it is still cool to decry any racism against Blacks.
Where is the Black leadership to call for an immediate ceasefire to prevent the genocide. Reverend Sharpton, where are you? Congressman Meeks, you don’t care about your fellow Blacks? Candace Owens, can’t you get off your anti-Semitic rant and take a moment to decry what the Arabs are doing to your race? How about you, Black Lives Matter? Do Black lives in Sudan not matter?
Pope Francis: Can’t you take a moment to condemn the genocide in the Sudan as you did for the fictional genocide in Gaza? You just received the Medal of Freedom Award from Hizzoner President Biden (as did the anarchist George Soros). Can’t you find it within you to address your worldwide audience about the horrors perpetrated by that ethnic group that you have expressed sympathy for? Why not call for freedom for the Black victims?
United Nations: In between your daily condemnations of Israel, can’t you take a moment to condemn the Arab terrorists in the Sudan?
Code Pink: Don’t you realize that if you dare dress as you do in your anti-Israel protests here (calling the fire in LA the fault of Israel), and wear that keffiyeh on top of your short-sleeved polo and tight pants, you would not make it alive for a block in any of the Hamas-controlled territories?
Maybe we need a catchy slogan to appeal to the masses. How’s this: “Don’t be silent, don’t be lax, while Sudan is killing Blacks!”
Unfortunately, we know the sad truth. The label of Israel as committing genocide is raw anti-Semitism at its worst. Jews are not allowed to have their own country, and they may not defend themselves. It is tragic that many Jews, especially Jewish politicians, exhibit classic Jewish paranoia when they join with the hate groups against themselves. Or they naively enjoy being useful idiots.
Jews make news. We would rather be anonymous.
Truthfully, I wanted very much to write about the horrific fire in Los Angeles and the revisionism of the legacy of Mr. Carter (author of Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid). But the point about the world not ashamed to wallow in its dangerous hypocrisy must sink in.
The Chazal (B’reishis Rabbah 41:55) taught us, “Hatred destroys logic.” That’s the only logical explanation for this insanity.
Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld is the Rabbi Emeritus of the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, President of the Coalition for Jewish Values, former President of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens, and the Rabbinic Consultant for the Queens Jewish Link.