The stock market keeps making new highs, the number of new jobs are at a record high, and many millions are enjoying a tax cut, but don’t try convincing consumers that happy days are here again. Nearly half know things are not as good as they sound, and they know this from a very reliable source: their own experiences.

After 17 years of planning, stop and start construction, lawsuits, delays, and a budget that grew to $5 billion, the American Dream Mall is finally scheduled to open on October 25. It will feature more than 350 shops, a large variety of restaurants and eateries, an amusement park, ice rink, and ski area. The principals and businesses that have invested in the mall are betting that it will be the start of a trend away from the age of Amazon and toward more traditional shopping. The industry is hoping they are right, because it could sure use a shot in the arm.

Have you ever heard of carmeltazite? Don’t feel badly if you haven’t. This is a new mineral and until recently was thought to exist only in space. Several months ago, however, it was discovered in Israel. The mineral is exceptionally rare and beautiful. According to Forbes it also has the potential to become more valuable than diamonds.

Companies spend fortunes on advertising, promotions, and commercials. They do studies and surveys, carefully choose target markets and hire professional copywriters and musicians. When completed, these are analyzed once again, tweaks made and further reviewed by fact groups. Nevertheless, despite all the talent, hard work, and expenditures, some of them are ridiculous, offensive, or have mind-boggling blunders. Following are a few of the many that fall into these categories.

By the time you read this, the drone attack on Saudi Arabia’s largest oil facility on September 15 could be history, a story over and done with. Or it might have mushroomed into a nightmare scenario: a full-blown war, chas v’shalom, with the world quaking and trembling from the terrible attacks that are unfolding.